Frogs' Legs Aren't Funny

The download of my daily (almost) thoughts and ruminations.

Saturday, June 30, 2007

It Takes All Kinds

I was thinking about the people I know and the people I don't "know" but know of and how different each one is from the other. Do you actually know any two people who are exactly alike in every way? I'm not just talking physically, I'm also talking behavior-wise. When you think about the fact that there are over 6 trillion people (human bodies) on the earth and each body has the same basic composition (I'm talking about the insides), isn't it amazing how each person is slightly different from anyone else...or are they?

Or, if we were somehow able to run a test of every single person against every other single person in the world, how many exact matches would we find? Would there be any? Is it possible I could have a twin in Russia, another one in Madagascar and another one in New Zealand? If there are literally no two exactly alike, does that mean the human population could continue to grow with no possibility of appearance or behavioral duplication ad infinitum? Interesting to think each of us could truly be unique from anyone else in the world or that we could not. Obviously there is no way to run that exhaustive of a test but it's interesting to think about.

Periodically when I'm walking down a street or having a drink at a sidewalk cafe and watching people go by, it amazes me that if you took off the covering (I don't mean clothes, I mean skin and physical features) and it were only our skeletons walking around, how in the world would we tell each other apart? Other than size or a missing limb, you couldn't.

Even the Pirates of the Caribbean folks had to put some slimy stuff and accessories on the skeletal figures to differentiate them, which further proves my point.

So let me ask this question, if we lost our skin and outer physical features, would or could prejudice survive? I suppose religion could still be an issue but if you just think about the fact that if it weren't for our outer coverings, there would be no differences, how silly is that? How tragic is it that we can't deal with and/or ignore those cosmetic differences without fighting and killing each other?

Of course, imagine a bunch of skeletons fighting each other because of their religious differences, they wouldn't last very long without their protective covering so they might decide not to fight simply to survive. This is leading me to the fact that prejudice is mainly skin deep! How's that for a hypothesis?

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Unpaved Roads and Algebra

When you are disatisfied with your life and would like to go back to your youth, think of Algebra.

Some people try to turn back their odometers. Not me, I want people to know why I look this way. I've traveled a long way and some of the roads weren't paved!

Our society tends to obsess over youth and as a result many people feel discouraged about growing older. While we certainly benefit from the enthusiasm and fresh perspective of young minds, it's also true that we can benefit tremendously from wisdom and experience. It takes many years for an individual to acquire a decent amount of useful information and another 3-4 decades to amass a trove of lived experiences that will help distill the information into wisdom. Every day you get older is another set of experiences and hopefully some more new information. These will prove immensely valuable to you and the people around you.

Let's get our priorities straight and focus on the real and lasting values in life.


Tuesday, June 26, 2007


Well, in the news today, the Republicans said we need to get out of Iraq now, the ex-generals said we need to get out of Iraq now, the Democrats jumped on the bandwagon and said we need to get out of Iraq, a couple of days ago we heard from the disabled vets who served in Iraq that they aren't getting the medical or disability support they need, so I wonder how many more years this all means we'll continue with this suicide mission?

Where is my generation? Why isn't there marching everywhere we turn? Why hasn't the momentum built to the point this will no longer be tolerated? How many more have to die for a situation we aren't helping and certainly not winning and never will? Where are the intelligent leaders who need to step up and be counted? Why? Why? Why?

Thursday, June 21, 2007


I asked a guy how he was doing today and he said he was on overload. I thought about it and decided I'm right there with him. They are loading the work on so fast with nothing going away that you can't find time to lift your head up. It's starting to give me a headache. So on that note, I think it's time for bed.

My tree is getting a big, old shot tomorrow. Otherwise it will die from the blight, and something else that I couldn't understand what she said. I'll bet you didn't know trees had veterinarian type people and they give them big, huge shots of stuff including vitamins. The tree is beautiful (when it's not sick) so it's worth it but these debilitating conditions seem to be traveling around my yard. This little grove full of old trees (that were "free" with the house) are starting to cost us as much as our free cat, Mrs. Belvedere.

The tree lady told me that all the planting we've done in the backyard has probably shocked the tree and caused it to be more susceptible to this crud. It's pretty bad when you need to tip toe around your trees. They are living creatures though so I guess I need to think of them as being a little more fragile than I have. Then my dad told me if you pile too much dirt up around a tree, that will kill it, even if it's an old tree. I guess that's why they write books about these things and perhaps I should actually read one. That book will have to wait for an extremely rainy day.

Now it's really time for bed.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Focus on Food

  • Have you noticed when you go out with friends it's all about the food and drinks?
  • When you go to visit family, it's always centered around a meal?
  • When you go on a cruise you register in advance for your meal times?
  • When you are in a rush to go somewhere and really hungry you have to grab something
  • fast, which is generally going to be of the fast food variety?
  • When it's time for the holidays, the major question everyone has is, "whose house are we
  • going to eat at"?
  • When you sit down for a drink somewhere, they bring you something starchy to
  • munch on?
  • When you're in Las Vegas you're always looking for a great buffet to eat at or for another "free" drink?
  • When you're sitting on the airplane, they give you some random starchy snack?
This is telling me that food has become the center of our universe (or mine anyway). If anyone remembers the old tv show, "Ellery Queen", the character played by Jim Hutton, he was totally my idol. He was so focused on figuring out who the killer was each week, food was picked up, laid down and completely forgotten because he had gotten onto the trail of some brand, new clue. His work was so important to him, food took a backseat (everything took a backseat for that matter). I want so badly to be that busy that food is there when I have to have it but otherwise I simply don't think about it. I don't want any extra weight on me anymore, it takes very few pounds for me to experience back pain, not to mention not being able to wear my clothes. AND I REFUSE TO BUY LARGER CLOTHES!

I can tell as I get older that I need to seriously limit my intake because there simply isn't anyway to burn it off anymore, no matter how much I exercise. I need to be lean and mean when it comes to what passes my lips.

Food in general has become far too important and central to our society. Something about food and/or drink has become the focal point of all that we do. I am officially going to draw the line at eating something I don't like, feeling like I have to finish everything on my plate, ordering an appetizer and an entree, ordering a salad and an entree, ordering an entree and dessert, ordering dessert at all, etc. It feels good just to document all this, the hard part will be making it a reality. I've started to work out quite a bit so I'm hoping that keeps me on the straight and narrow, definitely the narrow. I want to be here to see grandbabies grow up to be smart, accomplished, wonderful human beings. And I don't want them to see me as some slug who never gets off the couch. I want to be active until I drop. That is going to take commitment and more willpower than I've probably had to have before now. I'm not going to say, "we'll see" because I'm doing this. So there!

Monday, June 18, 2007

I Need To Exercise So Why Am I Sitting Here?

I'm not!

Sunday, June 17, 2007

I told you so...

Today has been a day for cliches, idioms, colloquialisms, jargon, etc. and it all started with, "you'll hurt yourself running with scissors". I haven't read it yet but I will however my mother-in-law did (in one day) and was very disturbed/amazed/overwhelmed by it. Enough that I know I will read it to see what the commotion's all about.

But of course, this is only one of many old wive's tales and other oddities that exist within our bizarre and complex language.

So then I started thinking about all the other wierd sayings we have heard over the years as we have grown up. There is always the famous (as narrated by a grown Ralphie)..."you'll shoot your eye out!"

There is also the predicament we frequently find outselves in when we didn't plan ahead. Actually, there are a number of sayings that represent this situation, here are just a couple...
"a day late and a dollar short," or

"up the creek without a paddle!"

I'm sure you have also heard, "a stitch in time saves nine." That one's wierd too.

Then there's my personal favorite, "the faster I go, the behinder I get", you've got to love that English.

Or how about, "your eyes are bigger than your stomach?" That's a pleasant thought.

Then there's the phrase, "if you build it, they will come?" Is there anyone who doesn't know where they heard that one?

How about "take a powder," as My Little Kitty is doing here?

Lastly but not leastly, would be you've got to be "pulling my leg!" Or, to put it correctly, "it's pulling my leg you are!"

This blog was brought to you by the idioms of America, and they are many.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

On The Road Again

I'm off to Seattle tomorrow then off to the beach for the weekend so I may not get back to my blogging addiction until like Sunday or even Monday night. I'll be in withdrawal. I need to walk like a son of a gun while at the beach to prepare for my team competition for the next four weeks requiring that I walk at least 5 miles a day. Of course I already do that, NOT!

I walked to the Farmers' Market today with a friend from work and noticed something that could be a money-making endeavor if I had the energy, the entrepreneurial spirit, the time or the capital. There are a large number of produce, honey, bakery, flower, etc. booths and 4 or so lunch type booths but there is a sad lack of stuff to drink. Somebody needs to step up so people don't like dehydrate while they're there. Not to worry. there was a Starbucks a few blocks away so they took the edge off with a little PassionFruit/Tangerine fruit juice kind of iced drink.

I restocked my lavender-flavored berry jams so I'm in good shape now. That's my current morning staple, wheat toast with one of these jams (no butter). I go through stages and this is my current one. I've graduated from the granola bar and fruit snack meal menu. We'll see how long this version of breakfast lasts.

I was talking to my single female peer tonight after everyone else had cleared out and we were remarking how interesting it is that none of our male counterparts are ever there as late as we are, needless to say, the workloads aren't remotely balanced. But then, I'm sure I don't need to worry my pretty little (female) head over that fact. This is just frustration and extreme tiredness talking. No one wants to listen to this, myself included, so I quit.

I have way too much to do to finish this in a high class, highly intelligent way so... hasta la vista.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

I Confess, I Am Not an Artist

Ok, we did this really fun thing and made glass jewelry out of pieces of glass then they got fired and it melted them altogether. Anyway, it was very fun but without fail, my pieces for the most part looked better before they were fired than after. That's because I have no eye for art and cannot project the end product so put them together badly. Some others, however, did really cool stuff and I was absurdly jealous. I even tried to bring three extra pendants home with me that weren't mine because they were so much cooler than mine but I got caught (not really, I couldn't remember what I'd done and they were handed to me so I took them). Anyway, please don't think I am going the PH route, I gave them back, but now I know what I'm going to do next time to have some of that coolness myself. If you don't know what I'm talking about, here is an image that comes as close as I could find.

Here is another example.

And finally, the coup de grace (grand finale)...So, you know what they say, practice makes perfect. I guess that means I'll need to keep going back and make more jewelry until I get it right. Oh, throw me in the briar patch!

Monday, June 11, 2007


You know how the term airhead generally applies to someone who just doesn't get it or they get it but then they drop it? Well, I think the term is much more appropriately applied to someone who has more air in their head than anything else and yes, sports fans, that would be me. I was just driving home from the gym and thought to myself, "_______ would be a great subject for tonight." Then I promptly forgot it. That was all of 15 minutes ago. Scary.

Oh, now I remember. I'm wondering if the companies who advertise on the programs that carry the P. Hilton or B. Spears (I refuse to say their names out loud) coverage ad nauseum have any say about what news they want to sponsor. Otherwise, why would they be so stupid as to have their products associated with stupid sluts such as those. I wonder if anyone has ever done a survey of people asking if a product was associated with one lame celebrity or another, if they would purchase it? It seems to me that if the viewer is in a general state of disgust from watching said sick celebrity, that disgust would carryover into the product space. The process of association would be detrimental to their sales I would think.

Sometimes it seems like the American public is on a feeding frenzy of completely pointless news about people who are a disgrace to society in general and who are only "famous" because the feeding frenzy has spotlighted them. The question we should all be asking is, "How much of my tax dollar is going to provide room and board for P. Hilton?" I think we should be able to designate where our tax dollars are spent. I wonder how many unworthy causes like her would not be paid if that were the case. Wow, I could keep going with this idea.

Of course, I don't watch tv for the most part except for OPB, The Learning Channel sometimes, Home & Garden TV sometimes, Discovery and National Geographic so I figure I'm safe. If they ever even think about showing footage of PH or BS along side Cesar Milan, I'll puke for sure.

Enough about puking, I'm off to the 20 or 30 other things I still need to do before bedtime. I wonder what boredom feels like, I can't remember anymore.

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Practice Makes Perfect

You know how they say practice makes perfect, well I've decided that with me, practice makes better rather than perfect. I do not think it is possible for me to play piano perfectly. I can do much better by practicing a great deal but with all the distractions I let distract me, I am having to settle for better.

I've decided I need to lighten up on my expectations of myself. If I'm playing for the fun of it, than why do I think I need to play like a concert pianist. I think this gets back to my need to do my best and when my best isn't the best, that's hard for me to accept. I'm playing for my own enjoyment, playing is therapy for me so if I don't lighten up, I'll need therapy for my therapy. About the time I start to get a stiff neck while I'm practicing, it's time to quit for the day and start again the next.

As for the professional quality of my piano performance, it just ain't gonna happen.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Those Were the Good Ol' Days

Tonight Kara and I were at a work-related function and got to talking about "the good ol' days with some other attendees. So with all that reminiscing, I decided to share a pictorial example of just some of the highlights of my youth...

This could be us catching crawdads in the creek at my grandmother's house in Amity. All of us kids would beg for our very own, empty coffee can and then run down to the creek at the side of their property to spend hours chasing after crawdads. Although the actual touching of them was unpleasant, competitive spirit helped to overcome most concerns. Either that or you made one of your male cousins pick them up.

My sister and I, along with a number of other kid cousins and friends, spent hour upon hour dressing up in whatever hand-me-downs we could get our hands on. Lucky for us, we had lots of women in the family who apparently never threw anything away. Many was the day my sister and I would prance across my grandmother's driveway, me in my long flowing dress and her in her hat, heels and diaper. Yes, we even have home movies to commemorate the fact.

The Tillamook County Fair was an event we waited for every single summer. It was always on the first weekend of August (still is) and one of the primary attractions of it was (and still is) the Pig n' Ford races. I won't go into the entire description here other than to say, if you've never seen them, you must make the trek over there one of these years. They are one of the funniest things you'll ever see. The good news is, they no longer grease the pigs so they are a little less gruesome now.

Similar but different was the annual school carnival where you could fish in the fishing pond (for valuable prizes), throw rings in the ring toss or my favorite, take your chances in the Cake Walk.
This was actually musical chairs and whoever was still standing at the end got to pick out the cake of their choice (all of which were provided by the moms, none were store bought believe it or not and we're still here to tell about it). The classic year was when my parents were hosting the Cake Walk and I decided to play. Needless to say, by the time I had won three cakes, they kicked me out. I don't ever remember being that successful in any competition before or since.

Of course, Halloween was always a favorite. As soon as we finished dinner, we got all dolled up in
make-up and costumes and took off with a grocery sack to collect our booty. I'm quite sure we were out until dark and I don't' remember our parents going with us although I do remember one house that made you do a trick before you got your treat. After the first year, I skipped that house. Why mess up your perfectly good make-up and costume doing a somersault when you could get candy with no strings attached at the next house? Of course, the homemade popcorn balls were the very best, especially when they were still warm with melted caramel. Yum!

Another great summer activity was bringing in the baled hay. Of course I was never old or strong enough to actually lift anything so my cousins and I would sit at the very top of the stacked bales and every time the flatbed truck went over a bump we'd all scream as the bales would lean way over to the left or way over to the right. I look back on that now and I think the older cousins must have really hated having us along because I'm sure we were in the way more often than not and I also know we broke down the bales enough to get yelled at periodically because they were a wonderful playground (except for when you fell off onto one of the cows while she was being milked, I got yelled at for that one too). I often wonder that we survives those years, these days people would never let their kids do what we took for granted. We were lucky, lucky lucky.

Yes, I did spend some time at home too. When I wasn't sitting for hours with my sister listening to my little yellow records, with singers like Bing Crosby singing nursery rhymes or great storyteller voices telling the story of The Three Pigs or Little Black Sambo, I was watching the newfangled contraption called, television. Of course it had no vague resemblance to the sets of today. Back then, the box itself was much larger than the screen which was this little green piece of glass with a very fuzzy black and white picture. It never even occurred to me that the people in those pictures were actually in color. My sister and I used to get up very early in the morning, run out to the living room and turn the tv on. I can still remember the order of this beginning with the test pattern, then to the national anthem with a picture of a flag on the screen, then the prayer, then the station identification and finally the beginning of the first newscast. We didn't care what any of it was, we just soaked up the novelty of it.

The 50's were definitely the era of naivety. These were just a couple of our favorite television shows, "Love That Bob" and "Topper". I don't know that I would feel the same way about them if I watched them today but I sure loved them then. I can even still remember all the characters names and as far as I know "Nick at Nite" has never picked them up as reruns.

Yes, Pleasantville had nothing over us. No wonder 1969 saw kids rebelling against anything to do with the establishment, life had been far too good for us, we didn't want to have to grow up.

Monday, June 04, 2007

To Exercise Or Not To Exercise?

You know how when you don't exercise your body gets crosser and crosser and stiffer and stiffer and you have less energy and you don't sleep as well, you're clothes stop fitting and you feel like a slug (probably look like one too)? So, who in their right mind would even consider not exercising? What could ever be a good reason for not walking, at a minimum?

Like tonight, Laura and I went to the gym and I walked about 1 1/2 miles but I can't tell you the last time we went and I have not been working out at home either. I just seem to have run out of time. But that means all the things in the first paragraph have been happening so even after only getting back for one night, I already feel better. Every time this happens, I convince myself I can never let it happen again for these exact reasons, so why does it keep happening? Let's see...

  • No time, have to practice
  • No time, have to work
  • No time, have to shop
  • No time, have to do something with the girls
  • No time, have to actually eat dinner
  • No time, have to watch a grandchild's recital
  • No time, have to celebrate a family event
  • Etcetera, etcetera, etcetera
You get the picture.

My point is, I have to find a way to walk on the NordicTrack, walk in the neighborhood, or hike somewhere, I can't just quit. My body is getting to the age where the manufactured obsolescence is beginning to kick in and the only thing keeping me away from the repairman (or maybe even the junkyard) is continuous activity. It's kind of like the Tin Man where he had to oil his joints to keep moving, I have to exercise to oil my joints, if that makes any sense.

Actually, it doesn't matter if it makes sense because that's just the way it is.

Sunday, June 03, 2007

I Said I Would

Last night I told Kara I was going to blog about her new found propensity for spinach. I am of the belief that she comes by this honestly because since before she was 2 years old, her favorite thing in the entire world was Popeye (with Richard Dawson on Family Feud coming in a close second...whenever he pointed to the answers and said, "Survey said", she would pound on the tv and giggle like crazy, I wrote him a letter telling him about it and he sent her an autographed photo). This was so clear to all who knew her that we made a special effort to give her a Popeye theme on her 2nd birthday. This included a Popeye cake, t-shirt with a glittery Popeye on it, a Popeye gumby-like guy and I think I even found a balloon with his image.

But even with this infatuation with Popeye, (he truly was her idol) she wouldn't touch spinach. Now I'm not sure when this tide began to turn but I sat at dinner last night with her at a cool southern food kind of restaurant on Alberta and watched her eat almost an entire plate of sauteed spinach like the one here. Please keep in mind she hated mushrooms when she was little; still does, she hated brussel sprouts; still does, she hated beets; still does, so how could this 180 degree reversal have come about if not for the lifelong influence of good ol' Popeye? Who says cartoons aren't good for you. Here's proof positive right here!

Friday, June 01, 2007

Star Power

My husband sits every night and watches Entertainment Tonight kinds of shows with all the Paris Hiltons, the Britney Spears, the Lindsay Lohan's, the Pamela Anderson's, you know all the Hollywood putridness. I can't even stand to walk through the room when this crap is on, let alone sit down and watch it. I am simply unwilling to give any of my valuable time to such low lifes.

So then I started to think about who would be worth my time to sit for an hour and watch on tv. First names through my head were Pink Martini, John Stewart,
Bill Mahar (a little here and there, I can't take a steady diet of him), any of the remodel, landscaping or organization shows on The Learning Channel (TLC), Cesar Milan (the Dog Whisperer), just about anything on the Discovery Channel or National Geographic Channel, lots of old movies and some newer ones, i.e. almost any version of Pride & Prejudice, most romantic comedies, etc.

I'll also watch the Antique Roadshow, I love it when a really humble person finds out they have something worth tens of thousands of dollars and the really cocky ones who paid a fortune for their "find" learn it's not worth spit.

So, it's Friday night and there are two days ahead that don't require me to be at work. I'm going to make the most of them...