Frogs' Legs Aren't Funny

The download of my daily (almost) thoughts and ruminations.

Monday, June 11, 2007


You know how the term airhead generally applies to someone who just doesn't get it or they get it but then they drop it? Well, I think the term is much more appropriately applied to someone who has more air in their head than anything else and yes, sports fans, that would be me. I was just driving home from the gym and thought to myself, "_______ would be a great subject for tonight." Then I promptly forgot it. That was all of 15 minutes ago. Scary.

Oh, now I remember. I'm wondering if the companies who advertise on the programs that carry the P. Hilton or B. Spears (I refuse to say their names out loud) coverage ad nauseum have any say about what news they want to sponsor. Otherwise, why would they be so stupid as to have their products associated with stupid sluts such as those. I wonder if anyone has ever done a survey of people asking if a product was associated with one lame celebrity or another, if they would purchase it? It seems to me that if the viewer is in a general state of disgust from watching said sick celebrity, that disgust would carryover into the product space. The process of association would be detrimental to their sales I would think.

Sometimes it seems like the American public is on a feeding frenzy of completely pointless news about people who are a disgrace to society in general and who are only "famous" because the feeding frenzy has spotlighted them. The question we should all be asking is, "How much of my tax dollar is going to provide room and board for P. Hilton?" I think we should be able to designate where our tax dollars are spent. I wonder how many unworthy causes like her would not be paid if that were the case. Wow, I could keep going with this idea.

Of course, I don't watch tv for the most part except for OPB, The Learning Channel sometimes, Home & Garden TV sometimes, Discovery and National Geographic so I figure I'm safe. If they ever even think about showing footage of PH or BS along side Cesar Milan, I'll puke for sure.

Enough about puking, I'm off to the 20 or 30 other things I still need to do before bedtime. I wonder what boredom feels like, I can't remember anymore.


At 2:34 PM, Blogger kara said...

i am totally amused that my mother just referred to some girls as "stupid sluts". you've made me proud today, proud.

At 8:57 PM, Blogger The Future said...

K - your expectations are surprisingly low.


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