Frogs' Legs Aren't Funny

The download of my daily (almost) thoughts and ruminations.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Our Society

What does it say about us that people get into fights over "stuff" at a garage sale. There's a big one going on across the street today and you actually see people racing each other to get to the "stuff" first.

Then, let's layer onto that our strong preference for fast food since the number of hours in the day have significantly decreased in the last few years and this is obviously the only way we can eat.

Of course, what immediately follows fast food but extra weight quickly leading to that lovely word, obesity. Once this problem exists, then you join the league of giant SUVers so you fit within its confines and you can easily drive to places you would otherwise have walked (or hiked). It never ceases to amaze me that so many can afford to much in the way of car and gas payments.

I think I can safely say I will never need a vehicle of this size.

And of course, you no longer need to remember not to lock your keys in the car or to leave your lights on, because you have a little 24/7 voice that takes care of any possible problem for you, including leading you to wherever you want to go.

Oh, and let's not forget the other type of fast food, even faster than a big Mac because it's right at your freezer fingertips. Yes, dinner is just a few toaster oven (or microwave) minutes away.

And where do you sit while eating this scrumptious meal, on your massage recliner of course, where else?

So now that you are piling on the fast food (both types), you decide maybe you should start exercising while you are sitting and watching your Reality TV. So, here you are. Of course, when you get hungry from all that exercise, you can always run into the kitchen and have some more food really fast.

Or perhaps you decide you want to get out into the great outdoors, so you buy a canoe, or a sailboat, or a that's silly, you get one of these so the boat does all the work and you still have plenty of energy to swill down the beer.

Okay, so what does all this say about our society? Let's just say I can still remember when walking a mile or riding your bike even further was considered no big deal, you did stuff like that everyday. Of course, those were the days when PE was part of the school's regular curriculum, not something the parents had to pay hundreds of dollars to access.

How long can we keep heading in this direction? I guess there's no time concern as long as we keep making bigger cars and larger doorways in new construction. Scary. I heard the other day that the mortality rate, or life expectancy, is now decreasing. No big surprise.


At 10:32 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

I just heard on NPR today that houses are getting bigger in general too. Most houses now have 4+ bedrooms. Wonder if that's going to make our little 2-bedroomer obsolete and unsellable?

At 10:44 AM, Blogger kara said...

You know...all this whining and I happen to know that you and Mike have two delightful bikes in your shed that only get used ONCE a year. Yesterday I saw several couples your age riding around town. What's stopping you, eh?

At 8:59 PM, Blogger The Future said...

L - your house will be a cinch to sell. Not everyone can afford the 4+ bedroom homes. Although I still think the smart thing would be to build up (if you can still live in it while you're doing it).
K - I'm thinking you really, really don't want to preach to me who has exercised her entire life and you are only lately coming to the party as in riding your bike to work ONE WAY!


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