You just never know what's going on behind closed doors. You do normal stuff like drive your car home and park it in the driveway.

You see kids innocently playing with each other around the neighborhood.
You do normal stuff like weed your flower bed while daily life carries on all around you. You see people come and people go, and it feels like all is right with the world.

Then the police knock on your door at 8:00 on Sunday morning and you see your neighbor

across the street shoved into the back of a police car, handcuffed and driven away. You also see a yellow police tape pulled all around his property and cars. You watch 7-8 detective types stand out in front of the house for 2-3 hours until a Crime Scene Investigation van pulls up, they all don their blue, vinyl gloves and enter the house aka "crime scene". You witness two giant tow trucks back into our narrow street to load up the two vehicles and take them away. You see television camera crews move in to take video of the house from every conceivable camera angle. You even agree to be interviewed and by doing so, you learn from the reporter the word "murder" is polluting that same innocent neighborhood air the kids were just playing in. You learn from another neighbor that the kids were taken away by Children's Services at the same time their dad was arrested by the police (their mom apparently wasn't home). That's an improvement over what you were thinking because you hadn't seen them at all and were imagining the worst.

You shake your head over it and realize that those nice looking people across the street truly are merely strangers when it comes right down to it. Those mornings when she was sitting on the front steps with her head in her hands start to make more sense. In this case, I'm glad they are now out from behind closed doors.
Well, at least they got the president they wanted.
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