Which Color?

So the big dilemma is, what colors? We have about 7 rooms that need to be re"surfaced", including the repair of some lathe and plaster cracks (old, old house) so we are looking forward to some color variety. But now the problem is, everyone has an opinion on th

If we're really lucky, someone will want to buy our dining room furniture and we'll be in good shape for the redo of that area of the house. Now all we have to do is to figure out how to post pics on Craig's List, it can't be that different from posting on here, right? Sometimes I feel so pitifully dependent.
Well, so begins another week of work. At least the sun was out today, but it was cold. It's always strange to be outside with tulips, daffodils, crocus and pansies but have to wear a warm coat because it's so cold. Nevertheless, I'll take cold and sunny over warm and rainy or worse yet, cold and rainy. Anytime Spring wants to settle itself in will be fine with me. It could certainly be worse, "The Day After Tomorrow" is on tv and they are walking through 12-15 feet of snow. On second thought, I'm fine with this weather. Have a great week!
Did you ask laura about the colors?
I'll help you with the colors and yes, you'll definitely find a buyer for your dining room furniture. Don't you fret about that, trust me. You better not under-price it either.
Have you looked at how much dining room furniture is for sale on Craig's List? It's unbelievable. I don't know why anyone would look at ours over anyone else's.
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