Speaking of holidays, I just watched "The Holiday" last night i did this because I've been urged repeatedly by countless thousands (well, maybe not quite that many) to watch this movie. So, I did. Let me first say that Kate Winslet totally drew the short straw. I mean what lame brain decided on this casting?
Did anyone really believe she wo

uld be totally happy with Jack Black, puhleez!
He must be friends of the producer or director, that's the only explanation I could come up with. Oh, and let's make it even more unbelievable/inplausible and have him bouncing back and forth between beautiful women because he can't make up his mind between Kate Winslet and some totally without moral fiber model type. Come on, Kate, don't settle!

But that's not the whole story. Oh no! Cameron Diaz definitely got the super-duper bonus end of the deal as I would classify it. That would come in the shape of ... that's right, you guessed it, Mr. Jude Law, complete with two adorable little darlings (he played the schizo single dad role). Unfortunately they didn't post pictures of the two wonderful little girls, Sophie & Olivia, and their starry tent on Google but they were truly one of the highlights of the film.

he other true highlight of the film came in the form of an octogenarian (actually I think he may be in his 90's but I coudn't remember the term for that), Mr. Eli Walloch. He played a great old codger role and I thought Kate got the best of the two women's parts by far considering her opportunity to interact with him. I'm sure that was a kick for her in reality although the whole Jack Black ordeal not to mention the really ugly British pseudo-boyfriend with wierd, caved-in cheek bones would have put something of a damper on her enjoyment.
I caught myself laughing out loud (very unusual for me and didn't even realize I was doing it until all of a sudden I heard myself) a few times. Unfortunately, I'm not sure what I laughed at in retrospect, possibly Mr. Napkin-Head. I'll have to try that when Beckett gets older.

parting, I would say that this movie is worth seeing once but did not include the next Google image found under this "The Holiday" category, I simply wanted to include it just because it looked like something Kara would do to a helpless animal or nephew (similar to the lime cat helmet). I'm wondering if the cat was drugged?
And as long as I'm drooling over Jude Law, once again, I don't know why t

his particular image was under this category but I'm never one to pass up a serendipitous opportunity like this, I'm sure you'll agree.
:)Sweet dreams(:
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