Maybe I should call it unteaching an old cat old tricks. That would be much more appropriate. Is it possible for a cat to have Scotch or German heritage? I swear ours is that stubborn. Well, we have the water bottle out and it is very effective, too bad it took us three years to remember to use it. I feel a little bit sorry for her but only a little because I'm watching

her "as I speak" try to fit herself on the very corner of a cabinet which actually only has room for her back legs, at most. She is absolutely positive that she can see better from something higher than the window itself (which we have no problem with her occupying). She just has to keep looking for a higher strategic view. Stubborn cat who tries to attack squirrels through the windows.
P. S. I'm shocked Kara has never thought of creating a limeskin helmet for one of her cats. She must be slipping.
I know I've said it before but it bears repeating, Google Images are the best. Here is one

of the images that came up when I typed in Cat in Tight Space...the larger than average dog who is absolutely certain he can get through that door, even though it's only meant for cats. Silly dog, he's perhaps even a little sillier than my cat but messier, louder and carves little gouges all over the hardwood floors. Thanks anyway. I love my big "granddog", Quimby, but he doesn't live here. Of course the reason for that is he wants to be with his mommy and daddy but also because Mrs. Belvedere (said stubborn cat mentioned earlier) would slaughter him within minutes. This will not be allowed, hence they reside separately.
I think my next blog is going to be about all the weird images you get when you do a search for a certain word or phrase. I could write blogs for a year just on that subject alone, probably longer. I wonder who at Google has the job of placing said images under said categories? Possibly they should be replaced unless the objective is to make people laugh, hmm, I never thought about that. I may have just discovered their hidden agenda.


n the meantime, enjoy the beautiful Spring that has truly arrived, both on land and on sea (well not really on sea but on water nonetheless).
Have a lovely week (in spite of the fact you hate your job, if you do...). And if you just returned from Hawaii, don't catch cold!
Cheers. I'll get on a helmt for Lulah this instant. Well, just after I finish this glass of champagne.
I caught a cold in Hawaii, so I'm safe for now. Good to be home....I think!
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