I mentioned to one of my co-workers (and my boss actually) that today I felt like the single target in a giant game of Dodge Ball. So here is the big, hard, red, rubber ball to prove it!

As a matter of fact, I wasn't dodging many of those balls very well so here is how I looked (or at least how I felt) at the end of the day.
Nevertheless, I'm home now and have renewed energy to get the million and a half things done that should get done. Just a typical night in the week, right?
One good piece of news came out of today, Baby Boy has his first tooth. So al

This is a vacation week for lots and lots of people. So what is it about weeks like this that make it HELL for those who are left behind. I think I'll hand those I leave behind in the office the big, hard, red, rubber ball when I go on my next vacation to Alaska and say, "Well, you better start dodging now", on my way out the door. Pleasant thought for the evening...
Yep, you'll probably get to feel that little tooth tomorrow during lunch, it's not very visible yet but it's a sharp little bugger!
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