Frogs' Legs Aren't Funny

The download of my daily (almost) thoughts and ruminations.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007


I mentioned to one of my co-workers (and my boss actually) that today I felt like the single target in a giant game of Dodge Ball. So here is the big, hard, red, rubber ball to prove it!

As a matter of fact, I wasn't dodging many of those balls very well so here is how I looked (or at least how I felt) at the end of the day.

Nevertheless, I'm home now and have renewed energy to get the million and a half things done that should get done. Just a typical night in the week, right?

One good piece of news came out of today, Baby Boy has his first tooth. So al
l that drooling really was worth it, we have payoff! I know the picture shows two teeth but I couldn't find one with only one tooth and once you've cruised 5-6 pages of Google Images, you start to get into Bizzareville so what you see is what you get!

This is a vacation week for lots and lots of people. So what is it about weeks like this that make it HELL for those who are left behind. I think I'll hand those I leave behind in the office the
big, hard, red, rubber ball when I go on my next vacation to Alaska and say, "Well, you better start dodging now", on my way out the door. Pleasant thought for the evening...


At 7:47 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Yep, you'll probably get to feel that little tooth tomorrow during lunch, it's not very visible yet but it's a sharp little bugger!


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