Sunday TV Junkie
So, you're probably thinking this means I sit and watch sports all day (since it's Sunday) or perhaps old movies (you can never see too much Audie Murphy ((gag))). Well, wrong

OK, I admit this means I am not spending Sunday mornings in church (much to my mother-in-law's chagrin). Yes, this is basically a selfish act on my part because church feels contrived and the minister folks too human and fake and make me generally uncomfortable. There has been so much drama at the church we used to attend that I decided I get enough of that stuff throughout the week and definitely don't need it on the weekends. So, I choose to commune with a higher being (probably not Charles Osgood) while watching Sunday morning instead.
Then I tend to watch Rick Steves travel video but he gets knocked off periodically due to pledge drives (g
ag) and they run lots of reruns, so I then will switch over briefly to another "great, highly underrated by the masses" channel, The Discovery Channel! Nothing but high, high quality television and deserves much more recognition and viewership than the stinking American Idol, trust me.
One of the derivatives of this channel is TLC, aka The Learning Channel, which features another one of my absolute favorites called "While You Were Out! This is an absolutely great an
d fun show where they typically overarchitect or overdesign their solution and have to cut back at the end but the designers and builders are lots of fun. To be honest though, it's the family's situation and the personality of the requestor who makes the show. There was a super one on today where the family had been forced to sell their house because their son needed an experimental surgery to try to correct a birth defect (which worked) so they were living in the wife's sister's very ugly base
ment. So, WYWO came in and completely redesigned it and made it just an excellent space with so many unique and cool ideas, like does anybody remember paper maiche...light fixtures that looked great. It even made me cry. And, of course, the host is a cutie as are most of the cast, so what can I say, time well spent.

One of the derivatives of this channel is TLC, aka The Learning Channel, which features another one of my absolute favorites called "While You Were Out! This is an absolutely great an

Then, I go do stuff or work on the computer or whatever for the remainder of the day. Then at 8:00 PM comes the prime time, big bucks and much bigger cast version of WYWO ca
lled The Extreme Home Makeover, which is guaranteed to make me cry. That was especially true of the night when they built a new house for a Utah family whose dad was going through treatment after treatment for cancer but you really thought he was going to make it. So the show screen blacks out at the end of the show when everyone is so happy, and one while lettered caption reads out, "John Smith died on November 23, 2006." That was a tough one, even though you knew he got to enjoy his wonderful new shop for a little while and he died knowing his family was well taken care of. Then I know what you're thinking, does she stay on that channel to watch the next show, "Desperate Housewives"? The answer would be an emphatic "no". I tried it once and it was so skewed compared to the real life situations on previously, I made the decision to opt out of that one.

So, welcome to my Sunday...time for me to go do stuff!
I used to DREAD Sunday Morning when I was little. So much less interesting than cartoons.
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