Who says a slug can't morph into a butterfly because I have! OK, I don't look as good as these fine specimens but I am at a minimum, a human version butterfly again. OK, OK, OK so I don't look like a butterfly at all but I feel light and free compared to heavy, sluggish, wheezy, nauseated, headachy, you name it, I felt it. Anyway, it's a butterfly kind of day for me so I just can't get enough butterfly spirit on this page; enjoy them!

You may think this is all I have to say today but I do have just one other thought. What would the world be without beauty. We would all live in Gotham City. What could be worse than that? I know beauty is in the eyes of the beholder but there is so much of it. And with the internet you don't have to wait for the right seasons to enjoy this beauty, you can pull it off and decorate with it any time you want. I feel so spoiled.
So, don't look out the window at the ugly, wet streets, dead plants you haven't taken out of last year's planters yet and the leafless, naked, stark trees, instead, look at my pretty blog and pretend "you are there". Or, maybe you're here...

Or anywhere but here...

Just don't get sunburned.
Gotham City has Batman...and Batman is hot...therefore, Gotham has beauty in the form of Hot Batman.
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