The Meaning of It All

Lincoln, of course, had a way with words and had the vision to know what was best for the country. He also had the courage to stand alone to make it happen. It was a bloody, severe time in our history but civil wars aren't all that unusual in the histories of many countries. My greatest concern is that we didn't learn all the lessons that we should have from that experience.
But, you know what, this is far too heavy of a subject for today. So now I'm going to go do all those other things I mentioned in the note above, as in workout, practice piano (lesson later) do some work (ick) and a little shopping later. Another busy day off (so to speak). Ta, ta.
washington chopped down a cherry was the world's most important one. it was made of gold. and he didn't even LIE about it.
Silly Kara.
George Washington led America to victory over the Brits in the American Revolutionary War. He also wrote some pretty cool farewell address which you can check out here.
Oh, and he freed his slaves when he died (he was the only prominent Founding Father to do so).
And he liked cricket.
Psh, I'm Canadian and I know more about the dude than you do.
My - OK, so Kara and I are both duly chagrined. Thank you for solving that mystery that I must have slept through in 4th grade. Shame on me (and you too, Kara).
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