The State of Things

The movie is about the Scopes "monkey" trial where science was on trial, under attack by religion.
If you think about it, this is an ongoing controversy around here,

Science vs. Religion

Mr. Darwin was a courageous man to state what he so firmly believed, his theory lives on but the uproar has never died down.

Evolution is not only not recognized (let alone tolerated) by most if not all religions, it is resisted as valid subject matter in schools. Since when have schools become something less than an environment for learning. Who decides what children should or should not learn? This is science folks. Banning this kind of science, this kind of learning always takes me back

Heaven help us if we ever backslide to this kind of illiterate, fear-driven, unenlightened Hell again.
I heard on NPR this morning that they're trying to take evolution of the curriculum in Kenya. Alas.
I guess that means that craziness isn't restricted only to the U.S.
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