So, I really need to learn how to download pictures from our camera into the computer so I can use the real thing instead of some lame google image to demonstrate the facts out here. We got the coolest shot of our backyard fountain. We have left it running throughout the winter so it doesn't freeze. So, the entire outer edge of the pond is frozen and covered in snow but there is this little stream of water shooting up out of the little hole in the middle. It is very cool but you'll have to take my word for it because I'm clueless when it comes to downloading pictures. This is yet another of those "rainy day" projects I have in my lengthy "to do" list, to learn how to do this. That and deleting lots of music from my iPod and downloading a bunch more. Oh, and catching up on photograph albums, including updating my Shutterfly album with current pics of baby boy! So, keep those rainy days coming.
Speaking of baby boy, we are going to put on our snow clothes and walk over to see him this afternoon. We might as well take advantage of being so close, right? Plus, I want to see Quimby orbiting in the snow, silly dog!
Right now, I'm on my way to a cheese sandwich, no not toasted, cold. That seems to fit the day don't you think?
Who knows what tomorrow will bring since Portland is sitting in its own little cloud bank, wierd. I have to ask if you have ever put your tv on mute and watched the closed captions being typed. some of the misspelling is a riot, you almost forget what it's saying and focus on the really crazy stuff that gets typed in their rush to capture everything that's said. I wonder how much those people get paid? A demain!
Damn you and your snow day when I'm stuck here at work!
I find the typo thing with closed captioning amusing as well. We must be related!
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