New Member of the Family

The cat was somewhat concerned once we got him set up but she realized she had nothing to fear when he didn't make a move during her dog sniffing (she sniffs much more like a dog than a cat). I think she's bipolar and flips between the two species. She has more wierd habits than normal ones, but that's a subject for another blog. Otherwise, I'll get off track yet again.
I'm spoiled, I'm getting my Christmas present installed tonight. My car is 6 1/2 years old and the CD player just completely died a couple of months ago. Considering how much I played it, I think it probably had a good run. I've no complaints except for the fact that I can't listen to Christmas carols (including the one Kara just obliterated on her blog) without it. Unless one of the radio stations deigns to play some lame version of something that is. So, starting tomorrow I'm going to have all my Christmas music lined up and overdose on it immediately. Nothing gets me in the holiday mood faster than listening to carols and watching Christmas movies and decorating and wrapping presents...okay, okay so it doesn't take much. I love Christmas, I admit it. Even with all the work stuff that needs to get done and how busy we are preparing for performance reviews and all the stuff that needs to get done to the house for entertaining and et cetera, et cetera, et cetera; I still love it.
I took video of (2 1/2 month old grandson) Beckett with Santa Claus the other day and just thinking about it cracks me up. Santa was trying to get him to "ham it up" since I was taking video and we were waiting around on the photographer so he picked him up and swung him back and forth, kind of like there was music only I don't remember any. Anyway, it hiked up his little, flannel shirt (he looked so darn cute) and his little chubby tummy was hanging out. All the time he had this frown on his little face and you could read his mind, "Why couldn't you just let me sleep?" Poor baby boy! It will definitely be a video he will beg his parents to put away when he is a teenager. Life is going to be very hard for him, being so cute and all.

Now John Stewart is talking about Bush's stubborness regarding Iraq. No way am I going there. Time to do some work. Feliz Navidad!

I want to see the Smitty video! And who is that guy?
Ms. K - That guy is Jose Feliciano, you know, Feliz Navidad.
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