Beyond Comprehension

So, here it is, Tuesday, November 21st and Christmas lights are springing up all over. Not only that, Christmas decorations and assorted, planted gifts have been overflowing in every store you see. NO ONE waited until after Thanksgiving. So, you know what this means, the guilt starts that much earlier because we have that much more time to shop but still don't get it done until the last minute.
OK, so what can I talk about that might be more uplifting? How about kid's Christmas lists? When I was little, my sister and I used to sit on the hassock behind my grandparents' woodstove and go through every single page of the Montgomery Ward and JC Penny's catalogs (we didn't like the Sears book as much) and put together our wish lists. And I mean we went through it page by page (except perhaps for the men's underwear, it may have fascinated us but it was basically boring so it was skipped). It took us hours while we totally blocked out whatever our grandparents were watching on tv, unless of course we heard an announcement that there were strawberry or root beer floats waiting in the next room. At that point, the catalogs would go flying and we'd claw, push and shove to be the first one out there to get the glass with the MOST in it. Of course, I'm sure Grammie made sure they were both exactly the same, it was all a perception thing. If I convinced Deb she got less, I won the contest simply by psyching her out. Who says I wasn't a mean big sister? Many times I was there by myself so I don't want you to worry, I wasn't mean every weekend.
I did have a very bad, bad habit of playing with her toys not mine, so if I broke them she would go without, not me. You could think of me as selfish and spoiled or you could think of me as a self-preservationist who always considered my options, always working to optimize my situation. No, I was bad, especially because I rarely admitted I was the one who broke it because my dad hit very, very hard.
Although, I got spanked so frequently you would have thought I would have built up calluses.
Not unlike those Maureen O'Hara probably got from Big John, Mr. Cancer himself. Oh well, it was still a funny movie. That mud scene is one of the best.

I was just talking tonight about another one of my favorite
movie scenes, it was from Princess Bride. It was the scene where
the 6-fingered man invites Prince Humperdink down into the torture
chamber to enjoy a little torturing of Wesley. The Prince says, "though he truly enjoys watching him work, he has wedding preparations to
make, his wife's murder to plan and the war with Guilder to consider, he's swamped." Every time I get stressed out with so many things to do (like right now) I think of that line and it brings a smile to my face.

Live happily ever after...and prosper
I'm not coming to Thanksgiving unless you make Turducken
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