Frogs' Legs Aren't Funny

The download of my daily (almost) thoughts and ruminations.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

The Good 'Ol Days

I think I mentioned a few weeks back that I saw a bumper sticker that said, "Where is Nixon when we need him?" Now, if the public is saying that Nixon is preferable to our current president, we are truly at an all time low. Actually "Tricky Dick" is what he was so fondly called by Laugh-In and others.

I have finally voted and Tuesday is it anyway so at last we can dispense with the incessant political campaign rhetoric. And no, I won't miss it. Will you?

But this isn't only happening at a national level, in the local paper today there was a large photograph of our infamous governor of the 70's. Again, they were hearkening back to the good old days when we had a governor who stood for something and actually got things done. There seems to be some fear of doing that these days.

I am so frustrated, the Christmas push has already begun. It started before Halloween in some stores. Not only is it confusing to kids, candy or Santa Claus, turkeys or stockings, the stress/pressure is starting a full month earlier than it should. It's way too easy to get caught up in the momentum. Got to keep control, it's tough though when you have so many great ideas! I promise to keep myself in check, no not to write a check, to keep myself in check. After all, I'm definitely not one of the new millionaires being added to the tally on the Megabucks billboard. More's the pity...


At 6:02 PM, Blogger kara said...

You have a spending limit this year, Mummy...and if you pass it...I'm going to make you get a tattoo.

At 9:09 PM, Blogger The Future said...

K - Would you honestly gouge me with needles? I always thought you were somewhat heartless. You see, I have no hidden or exposed desire for ancient Egyptian (or Greek for that matter) idols to be engraved upon my body. Sorry to disappoint...


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