Pet Peeves

What else you say? Well, how about the person leaning their left elbow on the car window with their cell phone wedged up against their ear? In fact, they tend to be guilty of offense #1 as well. In fact, they don't even look any direction before they act. Am I ringing any bells here? OK, you're asking if that has ever been me and I respond, not exactly. After all, I don't do the leaning thing and I don't take longer on a call then I need to. I would like very much to see the statistics of cell phone caused accidents and blinkerless accidents. DUI is a big deal and needs to be eliminated but I think DWB (driving without blinkers) and DWOCP (driving while on cell phone) should also be ticketable offenses. Oh, you say, they already are, so I say, but I never see anyone get tickets when they're doing these things. Am I right?
How can anyone who can read, logically or in good conscience, smoke? It is such a nasty and harmful "little habit" but it never seems to stop. From kids in junior high to elderly people on oxygen, they keep on puffin'. No matter how far they are pushed off the property we are still forced to walk through their stinky, polluting, cancerous smoke to get anywhere. Not only that, they smell so strongly of it that if you are closed in an elevator with them, it can almost gag you. And once it's in your clothes, you can count on another visit to the dry cleaners! But the real question is, how is it that England, Scotland, Ireland, California and Washington, to name a few, have all outlawed smoking in any public building while Oregon's only smoking related law is to protect the smoker from discrimination. What is wrong with this picture?
Well, this evening is flying by and I haven't checked anything off my list so I'd better go do that. Although, that is one more little pet peeve, you make a to do list and by the end of the day, you not only haven't checked anything off your list, you've continually added to it. Kind of like when you begin to do something at home on the weekend and that leads to something else and that leads to something else until 5:00 comes and you happen upon the original thing you began doing that led to everything else, none of which are done. Oh well, we aren't bored right?
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