The Future aka Travel Agent

She also said that she wrote a phenomenal blog at an internet cafe then the computer froze so it was all lost (because she hadn't saved it as she went). She was just generally upset but game to travel a little more before calling it a "day". She is going to travel to a small picturesque town that takes 13 hours to get to by train, then she will head to Casablanca which is on the coast across the Mediterranean from Europe. The plan now is for her to come home on 10/19-10/20 (she actually has to stay overnight in London to get a flight out the next day) rather than returning on 10/25.
She kept getting upset but I suggested she stay focused on positives otherwise she'll ruin what little time she has left there. I said she can always go back to Morocco some other time with someone who is more reliable to see the sites she missed. Hopefully, there will ultimately be more good memories than bad.
So, the roof with dry rot is still waiting for a back door. Because it needs to be fiberglass it had to be ordered and will take a week to come in so this "fix" is taking weeks and weeks and dollars and dollars beyond what we thought. The joys of owning damp beach property. We'll have to follow up the final repair with a weekend trip to the house for Crys's 80th birthday celebration.
Some of the best things about Fall, besides the crispness in the air, are sunflowers. There is no flower more substantial, more maturely beautiful or more perfectly representative of it's season. They made a beautiful bouquet of them at the Farmer's Market today, an event that somewhat reflects the local, open air markets in Europe. They are one of the first things you miss when they stop in November.
Not many endorfins escaping today, overcast and cold. A good day to be sitting at the computer, absorbing baseball playoff after baseball playoff. For someone not from the U.S., hearing the team names of the A's vs. the Tigers and the Mets vs. the Cardinals wouldn't offer a clue about the sport (or even what they stand for in some cases).
So, I get it but why does my cat watch? What is going through her head when the batter hits a fly ball or when the pitcher throws one in the dirt? Can cats see color? I wonder if I could Google that? I can tell she wants to blog, maybe I should create one for her. She walks on the keyboard all the time when she's trying to get my attention, it could be pretty funny. I'm sure it's not an original idea, there are probably already blogs for any number of animals. Maybe someday there will be a tv show for the World's Funniest Animal Blogs?
Enough of that, time to work.
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