As The World Turns

- butterflies
- queen for a day type, complete with tiara
- wood rocks
- Japanese clowns complete with red noses and fans
- some guy turning 111 after drinking a beer a day,
and my personal favorite, I almost used it but it was so disconnected I refrained,
- a urinal.
And this was all within only 20 different screens. Nevertheless, I chose to use an image (something like the final screen shot of "Love Actually") that better represents my theme of the day, which is all that is happening at any given time across the world that somehow connects to you.
There is a brand new member of our family just four blocks away from me. He is sweet, adorable and is growing and changing everyday. Today he is officially 11 days old. Just think if he were a lion cub, he'd be rolling all over the ground with his brother or sister, if he were a fawn he'd be scampering through the woods after his mom by now, if he were a colt he'd be kicking up his heels in the pasture, if he were a baby dolphin he'd be swimming effortlessly through the sea, if he were a baby bird he would be screaming at his mother and father for food and pointlessly flapping his little wing stubs (hmm, this one sort of fits...just kidding).
His aunt is leaving for Morrocco tomorrow, literally almost halfway around the world, where she has great hopes of riding a camel (I wonder what a baby camel is capable of doing at 11 days). She's also hoping for a glimpse of the great Sahara Desert. And, most importantly, she has promised to buy her sister (baby boy's mom) some pointy shoes. She will be chronicling her visit so we all look forward to that crazy footage, her m.o.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch so to speak, baseball playoffs are in full swing (pun intended) working up to the World Series. This is another one of those American presumptions calling something a world competition when the only two countries who participate are the U.S. and Canada and Canada only barely. So, though baby boy's dad and his grammie will be closely following this series, certainly no one in Morrocco knows or even cares about this "world" event.
Baby boy's grandpa takes off for the notorious beach house again this afternoon to survey the progress on said "dry rot" repair. The weather there is expected to remain temperate and dry similar to the expected Morroccan weather. Yet another good thing for backpacking travelers.
Baby boy's great aunt and uncle leave for a 12 day Mediterranean cruise today, beginning in the great Italian waterway of Venice. So while auntie roams on foot around the southwestern section, they will be roaming via water around the northeastern area. One of the sights they most anticipate are the ruins of Turkey (as opposed to a ruined turkey).
Baby boy's great-grandma and great-grandpa are stuck home, literally holding the dogs! But, that's the way they like it. While baby boy's auntie is leaving the cat with the ex's son (I dare you to follow all this). This is only necessary because baby boy's grammie's cat is a demon when it comes to other animals. She is not into sharing or tolerance. With her, it's truly rule or die! Thank goodness the world isn't run by cats like her...or is it?
Cats do run the world...they just allow us to live in we can feed them...and rub their tummies. I want to ruba Moroccan cat's tummy.
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