One Thing and Another

So, I saw a great bumper sticker the other day, it said, "We need Nixon now!" Who would have ever thought we would sink so low that Nixon would be up. That was worthy of a John Stewart moment (and probably has been, I've missed so many).
I walk through a bookstore, or the book aisles at a department store and I think, how did they come up with enough original thought to fill an entire book...or two...or catch my drift. I can get writer's block just thinking about my next sentence. Then I think, maybe they have extra compartments in their brains that were never fully populated in mine. Sometimes something very noteworthy will buzz right through but I'm unable to grab it before it's gone. I would give my eye teeth to be clever. But I don't think the trade would do me any good and I'd have to give up steak and crusty bread.
So, the rain is here, right in line with Fall. Our weather is the world's best kept secret, while hurricanes, tsunamis, snowstorms, tornados, floods and ice storms hit the rest of the country, we sit here in our banana belt, keeping our heads down, so no one finds out and comes to take it away.
Speaking of weather, I need someone to explain to me the physics behind why a cloud full of rain floats thousands of feet up in the atmosphere, while individual drops of rain fall down on my head, my plants, my house, my car, etc. Why doesn't gravity pull down the entire cloud instead of individual little drops? And why when it's raining from a cloud does it look the same afterwards as it did when the rain started? Where did the water come from and where is the hole it left behind? I have the same questions about snow. Actually, if you think about a snowflake and you think about gravity, there isn't much in the way of surface to be pulled down, especially not when it hits your tongue. You'll notice that Sir Isaac Newton did not test his gravity scheme with a snowflake.
There are certain songs that should never have been written. The reason I say this is that the tunes disintegrate your mind. You know what I mean, they get stuck in there and eventually, all other thought is obliterated and the song is pounding through over and over again. Let's see, I'm talking about songs like, "Do You Know The Way To San Jose", "Raindrops Keep Falling On Your Head", "Doe a Deer", "She Wore An Itsy Bitsy Teeny Weeny Yellow Polka Dot Bikini", you catch my drift. There should be warning labels on them to Beware of Repetitive Motion or Watch for Brain Freeze.
One of the favorite memories of my youth was sitting on the ice cream maker while my dad kept throwing rock salt around the sides and cranking away on the handle. Now, here's another question for you, why is homemade ice cream so much colder than the ice cream you get at Baskin Robbins or Dairy Queen or in the grocery store frozen food case? Yet another unanswered question...
If wishes were horses, beggars would ride...says who? Maybe they'd wish for a dirigible.
Ok, no one can answer all that...that's like knowing the meaning of life...and only Monty Python knows that.
Besides, I never see you eat steak.
You see, clouds aren't real. Well, they are, but they aren't what you've been led to believe. They are really some sort of device that sends out waves of.. something that make people stupid.
And that's why I never leave my house.
I don't know why they drop rain on you. Concentrated doses?
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