It's not all about frogs!

So, who decided to demonize Thomas Jefferson? So what if he was conflicted, tormented by his double standard and duplicity, most geniuses suffer from similar have to admit, his house is amazing and he had an uncanny vision of the future...
I would love to know who provid "HAL"'s voice in 2001:A Space Odyssey, I wonder if anyone knows...
Is the need to rhyme truly addicting?
How in the world did we ever evolve from saber tooth tigers to the 9 lb. cat laying on the back of your couch?
There was a news story recently of some guy getting hit by a truck while running across the interstate freeway...does this remind anyone else of the old computer game where the chicken tried to run across 8 lanes of traffic without getting hit...perhaps their I.Q.'s were similar?
Imagine if certain points in history had taken a slightly different slant...
- If Nixon had been Bush's father, would he still have been elected?
- If John F. had lived, would Jackie have kept wearing those pillbox hats?
- If we had built condos on the moon, could anyone afford to live there?
- If television had never been invented, would we have computers?
- If you grew up with Captain Kangaroo, do you have an innate aversion to green jeans?
- If we hadn't endured Vietnam, would we still not get that Iraq is a mistake?
Congratulations on your first blog entry, Mom! I expect many more to come.
History is amazing. So are random thoughts. And writing them.
Also, rhyming is addictive.
What mycaelus means is...he's addicted to rhymes...sometimes...get it?
Did Captain Kangaroo really wear green jeans?
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