That's a good question!

Why is it that potato chip bags and cereal boxes are less than half full right off the shelf? I know, I know, it's all about marketing, i.e. the larger the bag the more value we THINK we're getting. So, okay, okay, okay that wasn't my real question, my real question is why in the world do we keep buying them?
Why do so many drivers neglect to use their blinkers? Are they all broken? Did they truly buy a car in which blinkers were not considered standard? Do they all have broken left or right hands or are all their blinkers broken? Did they all flunk that part of their driving tests? Do they all hate their cars and they're trying to get hit? Or, are they all truly THAT lazy?
Why does the price of gasoline act like a roller coaster? I understand when it goes up, everything goes up eventually, even though it's sometimes at inordinately fast rates like we've seen recently, but down????? What else can you think of where the price goes down, other than for short-term super sales? Okay, okay, okay electronics prices eventually go down but that's due to their replacement by newer, shinier and more exotic electronics. House prices go up and down over long periods of time based on demand, economy, etc. But, what's behind the gas fluctuations? Is it that they run out of oil then all of a sudden they find more? Is it that the oil companies continually change their minds or change their methods of measuring, first about having too much, then they think they have too little? Is it because all the station owners just get a kick out of changing the little, plastic numbers on their station signs on a daily basis? Or, is it simply because they like to demonstrate the kind of power they have over us peons?
Why are so many people allergic to milk/dairy products, even babies? This is a substance that is as natural as can be, not intended to harm a fly, it's even homogenized, pasteurized and sterilized these days but still many can't touch it with a ten foot pole. Have our bodies formed a natural aversion to the essence of dairy-based foods over thousands or perhaps just hundreds of years? Have certain cells or enzymes or chemical processes ceased to function in the average person that would otherwise make this substance tolerable? Have we outgrown the need for it (I don't believe that because we still have bones)? Or, is it all the izing that has created the problem? Are we really only allergic to the homog, to the pasteur and the steril? That could be it.
Why is it that some of us only get headaches from wine produced in America but never from wine grown and bottled in Europe? Is it because European wines include Ibuprofen - no. Is it because American wines are out in the sun too long - no. Is it because American wines cost so much more - no. Is it because we drink American wines only when we haven't had enough sleep - no. I think this may get back to that izing process again.
We have squirrels in our neighborhood, hundreds of them. Whenever we see them outside, they are running around with nuts in their mouths. Sometimes they have peanuts, sometimes filberts (hazlenuts) and sometimes walnuts. The question is, where do they get these nuts? We have no peanut, hazlenut or walnut trees in our neighborhood. I can't even guess at how to answer this question.
Keep in mind these are purely my cornball opinions and I'm quite sure I never will learn the answers but I'd like to know if anyone can come up with better ideas. The answers to these questions are probably societal in nature and don't really have a right or wrong perspective, they just are (except for the squirrel thing of course). I always hate that logic. Give me Trivial Pursuit anyday where there is a question and an answer, no endless guesswork involved. Don't hesitate to offer up your opinion on these and any other unanswered questions you may have.
Inquiring minds want to know!
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