Is it the White House or the White Sox, that is the question?

What has our society come to when many of our teachers don't make enough to buy a house or pay back their student loans but the pro basketball player living in the BETTER part of town, makes more in a season than that teacher will make in a lifetime? How do we explain that to our kids? What does that say about our value system - I know, that we don't have one. Heck, it's hard to come up with any profession that makes as much as professional sports figures. Don't even tell me what professional wrestlers make, BECAUSE I REALLY DON'T WANT TO KNOW!!!! And no, I do not watch sports on tv so I am not contributing to this problem.
Anyway, this really got my dander up so I needed to let off this steam, thanks. The unfortunate thing is I don't see this getting fixed anytime soon, if ever. If I think about that for too long, I'll get really depressed. So many aspects of modern life are truly upside down from where they should be and probably from where they were meant to be...evolution can be a very strange thing.
Speaking of evolution, don't you love how styles keep going in and out, in and out. You never really need to buy anything new, all you need to do is to segment your closet into decades and eventually, you will find that you have all that you need without ever shopping again. Now for someone like my girls, I don't think there are closets big enough, or houses big enough to hold the closets they would need to do this but I still think this is the key to drastically reducing your clothing budget. The only question is how many decades do you need to save your clothes until you have enough. I guess you just wait until the retro cycle begins. Don't worry, I'm sure this concept will never catch on, especially in my family.
Here's another question for you, we keep hearing we are in the midst of global warming. What exactly does that mean besides the fact that we are experiencing more severe weather, the ocean is rising and the Arctic is thawing? Do I really want to know? Probably not but I hate to think I'm turning my back on something that deserves my attention. I'll have to go dig up one of my recent National Geographics that featured an article on this, their research is outstanding, not to mention their photography.
You know how they say , "a picture is worth 10,000 words", who decided how many words? I'd say that with inflation, a picture today is worth 1,000,000 words at a minimum, and that's without tax. We are so fortunate to have so many ways to capture "the perfect image", there's no excuse for not having your memories captured for posterity.
I have a friend who has traveled extensively. This year alone, she's been from Antarctica to the Yangtzee, from Rome to a rodeo, while holding a full time job. She recently decided she needs to retire so she has time to travel! I think she needs to retire so she has time to rest!
I'm going to close by quoting another bumper sticker I have seen around. I'm probably going to slaughter it but it goes something like, "I wait for the day when we have all the money we need for schools but have to hold a bake sale to fund the purchase of another bomber." Anybody hungry?
I am kind of hungry, now that you mention it. I wonder where I can find some good-quality food 'round here.
I've already TOLD want to learn about global warming you HAVE to watch An Inconvenient Truth. In fact, Al Gore is coming to and step-dad need to get tickets pronto.
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