
My baby is having a baby, how wierd and cool is that? She's at the hospital and we're not because Beckett (not yet here but he will be soon) is taking his sweet time. Chances are good she will go through the night in pseudo-labor then they will induce the little dickens tomorrow morning. So, I'll plan to be there first thing in the morning along with his other grandma and his auntie to await the big event. Funny how it's all about the baby and his agenda regardless of how anxious everyone is waiting for him to arrive.
On this momentous eve, I think about the world he is joining and all that is right and good in that world.
- He has many, many people who love him already who will support him and be there for him at all times.
- He is being born in a country that is free where so many other people around the world want to live they sneak over the border illegally, just to be here.
- He'll live in the most beautiful part of that country where there are four separate seasons that are relatively mild.
- He is being born at a time when medical advances are amazing and improve on a daily basis.
- The world of technology is moving so fast we can't even keep up with the latest and greatest. We can't even imagine what electronic gadgetry will exist when he is an adult.
- Planets are no longer planets and new galaxies are being discovered...our universe continues to grow and expand.
- His parents are good, loving, talented people who will guide him and love him throughout his life.
- His big "brother" Quimby will be a good playmate as he grows older, watching over him and protecting him from strangers. (I'm not sure about Aly the cat...I think she'll just continue to do her thing.)
- His dad is already looking forward to spending special time with him doing sporty things like playing catch. I wonder if he'll get his dad's competitive genes?
- His mom spent many hours painting for his nursery to prepare his "Where the Wild Things Are" surroundings. I'm sure he will share her love of books.
- His grandparents are ready and able to spoil, spoil, spoil!
- His Aunt Kara will never get to babysit as much as his Grammie, sorry Kara.
That's ok...that just means you're changing more diapers.
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