Get Motivated

Let the rain fall, let the ice freeze, let the fog shroud and let the wind blow; I am completely determined to be active, stay active and to have a high level of energy and motivation regardless of how hectic life becomes or how nasty the weather gets. Oh, and of course, lose some weight!
That, by necessity, leads to eating only the right foods and limiting my quantities. It follows though that if I'm motivated and keep my mindset positive and energetic, I won't be drawn to or tempted by the wrong things. When I get into these seasonal funks, I can far too easily convince myself that just one cookie, just one ice cream bar, just one cup of chai tea won't hurt anything. The problem is, they compound but not in a good way like the interest from your bank account. The additional layer resides all the way around my middle and hips. I'm especially motivated to shed this weight that is keeping me from wearing the majority of the clothes that reside in my closet. Fortunately, I've refused to remove them because I know this is achievable.
So, much for my motivational speech. I'm off to my exercise machine for an hour as I begin to reestablish my renewed commitment to exercise, nutrition and good health through all the seasons of the coming year, and for all the years beyond. My mindset is the element of change I need to do this, pure and simple.
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