I just finished watching "Kramer's" shameful performance at The Laugh Factory in L.A. last Friday night. When do we ever get past this crap? Will there ever be a time when we don't fear or hate the fact that someone else has different warts on their face from us or stripes through their hair or polka dotted fingernails or whatever else? This is SUCH a '60's question and that is exactly my point, 40 years later, nothing has changed.
Not only that, this morning on NPR I heard that some Congressman is trying to restart the draft. There are bad ideas, then there are really bad ideas, then someone comes up with something like this, a COLOSSALLY, SUPREMELY STUPID IDEA! Then again, up until now, Iraq has only been somewhat like Vietnam, so this would indeed make it much more similar to the extent it's important that we make that happen. After all, we really need another monument in D.C. dedicated to all those who have died for absolutely nothing.
So, you really can't say this is a fun post but I needed to vent so you know what that means. I'll be finishing this up right about the time for John Stewart, which will continue to feed my frustration as he nails the idiocy that abounds these days.
So, let's take a quick turn here, a turn toward something fun or perhaps even funny. I pointed to this in the store tonight so I thought I'd read more about it.

Actually, now that I've blown up the picture, I don't think I want to read anymore about it. It looks disgusting, regardless of how "good" it might taste. I wonder what the ratio of turkeys to tofurkeys really is. My guess is it's something like 100,000:1. Or, possibly higher (on the turkey side, of course). Please don't ever make me taste one of these. In fact, I don't even want to think about it anymore. Can you imagine burping this crud after you swallowed it? You might as well have a poiurkey or a pasteurky. That's enough, if I keep it up, I won't even want to eat the real thing.
Gobble, gobble...
Now I'm getting you that AND football meat for Christmas
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