We are a society of waste and excesses. Every year I say I'm going to do something humanitarian instead of the traditional food fest but somehow I never get around to it. I guess that says all you need to know about me, SELFISH! Or, there's just too much going on and this good intention just never gets done. Instead it gets carried over form year to year. One of these years I know I'll make myself proud and others less hungry. I'm good about doing for others at Christmas but I need to stretch that out to other holidays (and non-holidays for that matter). I do know this about myself, that's half the battle, right? The first step is admitting I'm a failure, okay, now I feel much better. I think writing this commitment down will actually make it happen. Maybe next year...
Well, I have three million things (or thereabouts) to get done for work in the next three days and I'm going on my interview tomorrow morning at 8:30 so I think I'd better get cracking. Short one this time, more next time. After my next three blogs, there will be a dearth of blogs from me for an entire week due to my D. C. destination. Then I'll be absolutely full of topics and will have to keep myself from writing novels and boring the socks of anyone (myself included). So, right now I feel like the kid who is asking for everything under the sun to keep from having to go to bed...ENOUGH! Ciao
You stop that. You give more than anyone else I know.
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