Frogs' Legs Aren't Funny

The download of my daily (almost) thoughts and ruminations.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Home for the Holidays...where else?

This move in any language has something for everyone, it's just too much fun. Yes, tonight we prepared ourselves for yet another Thanksgiving holiday by watching Jodie Foster's "Home for the Holidays" for the ummm, I don't know 14th or 15th time I guess. It is the ultimate in dysfunctional familial humor. Sometimes you'll be squirming, sometimes a tear might well up in your eye, but most of the time you'll be cracking up, even if you have seen it countless times before. You really should adopt it as your family tradition. After this, your Thanksgiving holiday will seem tame and normal. The rule is though, you can't watch it anytime during the year outside of Thanksgiving time, otherwise you'll really mess up your timing. You don't want to be putting up Christmas decorations in April or something silly like that.

Speaking of which, we saw our first Christmas tree lot tonight. Has anyone ever put a Christmas tree up on Thanksgiving and had it stay alive until Christmas. If they have, I want their secret because I can't usually keep mine alive for two blessed weeks. I've tried everything under the sun to keep them alive, I could write a book about all the harebrained schemes I've used to trick the tree into thinking it's still in the ground. Obviously in all cases, the trees have been smarter than me!

I'd like to know, was there anyone at work today besides me? OK, I know Kara was at work because I picked her up from there to have our toes done. It was absolutely impossible to reach anyone on the phone, why don't they just pronounce the last three days of this week holidays and call it good. We are officially moving into the non-productive time of year when there are more distractions around the office then there is concentration. The sweets start making their way in and staying on your healthy food regimen becomes more and more challenging. Which reminds me of how much I need to get done over the next four days (OK, admit that Thanksgiving Day won't be good for more than a half day). Yikes! I'm going to need lots of caffeine.

My cat is so needy, she keeps trying to crawl on my lap when the keyboard is there so if there are wierd misspelled words or big gaps between, it's not my fault. What is it with cats anyway, when you want them to come to you, they look at you like you have two heads. When you are busy and can't make over them, they are all over you. There must be some cat chemical that releases only when they sense stress or concentration. Crazy cats, they're just so darn fuzzy-faced and cute.

OK, this is going to be another random meandering brook of a thing. Sometimes I wonder how I walk a straight line because that certainly isn't how I think. Goldie Hawn used to play a character on Laugh-In whose brain functioned very similarly to one could keep up (I don't think anyone really tried, especially not the guy on the tricycle). I'm sure it's a disease and I just have yet to be diagnosed. It's probably called Attention Misplacement vs. Attention Deficit. Or maybe Mind Wandering Syndrome vs. Senility. I don't know, the problem is there is no cure, especially not if there is no such diagnosis. But that doesn't seem to prevent the condition. Hmm, maybe I should call it Goldie Hawn Half-Witted Wierdness, that sounds pretty technical. Uh oh, needy nellie is back hanging over my keyboard. She is such a cat.

I think she's telling me it's time for bed and you know what? She's right. Nighty night.


At 1:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I totally forgot what I was going to say here.

At 9:57 PM, Blogger The Future said...

It's always good when your comments are as pointless as my blogs. That means neither one of us ever get off the ground.


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