So, this is the season of peace and joy, right? So, are you saying you don't like this symbol of peace, well tough. This was already in my saved file and I don't even care if I've used it before even if I swore I was always going to have a new picture. I'm just excited that I was able to get back in and post something after fighting with the new blogger site. I know, I know, this post is supposed to be about peace, it's amazing how quickly I can veer away from that subject. Especially if I'm behind the wheel of my car. I honestly think if I didn't commute to work everyday, I would be a more patient driver. But when you are a commuter in heavy traffic, you expect your fellow roadies to behave in a heavy traffic commuter way. If they don't, it brings a frown to your face and less than pleasant thoughts may possibly make their way out of your mouth, possibly. So, anyway, enough about this subject which already takes enough of my mental prowess each day so I don't need to think about it at night too! Fa la la la la, la la la la!

So, I am way off the subject I was planning to post a couple of days ago but I couldn't get access to this silly Blogger beta. You know the definition of beta is "full of not working parts"! So, exactly why were we "forced" into this thing? I have to say I haven't found anything improved in it yet but I don't have the very extensive history of blogging as some others I could mention but won't. I'll wait to see what the learned opinions are on the subject.
This is another one of those "why are you bothering to put anything down on paper" blogs because it has no point, I have no point, the world has no point, not even my cat has a point. Ugh! I think it's time for bed. How in the world did I get from peace to here. Actually

here is nowhere because this stinking blog never went anywhere. It's pointless and not only that, I'm missing a bunch of my Santas that I need to decorate downstairs, which means I can't finish what I started and that makes me unhappy especially because I don't have a clue where they are. I guess this is just a generally unhappy day, this was not helped by the blog talking about ruined and pointless relationships. I think I'll just blame the writer of that subject matter as the reason for my ennui. Avez-vous un problem avec la?
We probably used too many of the downstairs santas for upstairs. just steal some from the mantel
No, these are truly missing. I can't imagine where they are and I'm very frustrated because they have to be somewhere. Hopefully, it will come to me some time before Christmas.
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