Anyway, back to the rut, it's not pneumonia, it's another BLASTED sinus infection and my head feels like a giant, stuffed up weather balloon. So, I go into my lovely, trusted Google images, and what should I find when I type in, "sinus infection", none other than the sinus infected chicken you see below. Now this may seem strange to you but I think it's all a plot by the Google employees...

I have been so focused on work and my stinking head, I'm wondering what's going on in the world. I haven't seen The Daily Show in ages and I just can't bring myself to turn on CNN because then I'd really have to hear how many died today, how many were raped today, how many lied today, and whatever the next lyrics are of Anne Murray's song, "A Little Good News", which is a good song by the way, extremely true. Anyway, I'm sure there is something about the pukiest of pukes, B. Spears and the next pukiest, A. Nicole (whoever the hell she was) and other such unimportant, blips on the radar screen.

I wonder if we'll ever find a news station who always reports the good news first, a novel idea and I don't think anyone has the guts, including sponsors because they are playing to a crowd of vultures who lap up the grossest, most morbid, most tragic, in fact, the worse the news the better everyone likes it. Quite the statement on our society.
Regardless, it's time for me to go blow the crap out of my head and cough more crap up out of my lungs. I know you wish you were me. The good news is, some day soon this will be gone. And I'll revert to human status again.
"it's time for me to go blow the crap out of my head"
- worst and best sentence ever.
Well, it was definitely the worst illness ever and not the best.
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