This morning while I was getting ready I could hear the birds singing in the trees outside my window, including some babies I think waiting to be fed. You couple that cheerful sound with blooms and blossoms everywhere you turn and it's true, Spring is really here. How can anyone not be in a great mood when you're surrounded by this beauty?

You know how you glance out the window throughout winter and see nothing but bare, black,

tree skeletons and dead plants around the yard and you feel like your surroundings will never be green again. Everything appears to be a dismal shade of gray. Then, when Spring actually hits, it's just that much better, isn't it?
I'll admit my moods are almost entirely governed by the weather, sad but true. It is extremely difficult for me to work up any energy on a grey day (Yes, I know, I used both gray/grey spellings in the same Blog - c'est la vie). It's all about those pheromones, so do you want to

see what they look like? Well, there's the scientific version...
Then th

ere's the body building version...
I keep telling you, Google images are fantastic and definitely weird.
Then there's the musical version...

Take your pick, they do the trick. Ta ta!
I can't get over the armpit picture. I don't even know what this post was saying because the picture has me gagging internally. Not sure how one would gag externally. Huh.
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