Whenever I am stuck behind one of these sicko stickers on the road...
this particular scene in Ben Hur comes to mind and I have the sudden urge to yell out, "ramming speed"! and follow suit with my car. For those of you who didn't see Ben Hur (possibly there's one or two of

you) or you don't remember it or you can't figure out what this scene is from this dinky picture, Ben Hur was conscripted as a slave on some yahoo Roman's boat and he and all the slaves had to power the boat by rowing 24/7 (with no breaks or lunch - there are worse jobs, Kara). So when they went into battle, the commander Roman guy would call out, "Ramming Speed" (in slave talk that's, "row faster").

only I had one of those big cattle guards on the front of my car so I could easily relocate the car wearing the sticker off the road without any negative impact to my car, the world would be as it should. Something like this contraption would be lovely but I wouldn't want it to show unless I needed it to remove eyesores like the one I mentioned at the top of this note. For instance, I would not bring it forward if I was behind a bumper sticker that said, "Where is Nixon when we need him?" At least Tricky Dick understood the workings of the government and definitely foreign policy, granted he was a liar. But if that's all it takes, why hasn't this idiot been impeached? I think we have a country in various stages of fear (as created by Homeland Security, how ironic is that) that creates an atmosphere of confusion so no one knows who to believe and therefore we don't take any action. Well, at least we all know we're in good hands with Attorney General Gonzalez. Oh no, wait, that's not right...maybe a demonstrated ability to lie is a prerequisite to serving in this administration? Alright, enough of my political commentary.

Anyway, this is just another "wouldn't it be nice" blog. My choice is really just to move out from behind bumper stickers like this that make me crazy. And that's all folks.
Or you could get a bigger and better bumper sticker like a true American would.
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