I'm Afraid to Blink

You know how the older you get, the faster time seems to pass? Well, it's going so fast right now, I'm literally afraid to blink. There is so much to do between now and the first weekend in December, I need to do some time travel to borrow lots more hours from another dimension.
As usual I've got work to do right now so not much time to post but I just had to satisfy the urge to let off some steam, anxiety, you know, releasing the pressure from the pressure cooker.

This is Halloween week and I'm looking forward to opening the door to Mr. Red #8 (4 yrs.) and his sidekick, Elvis (1 1/2 yrs.). If prizes were to be given for brothers with the strangest costume combination, they would most certainly win.
I don't know if this was unusual but when I was in grade school (just a couple of years ago - make that a lot of decades ago) one of my favorite events was the school carnival, which usually occurred in March or April. There was the cake walk (musical chairs), the fishing pond, ring toss over glass pop bottles, throw the coins in the dishes, sandbag toss, shooting hoops, etc. I remember one of my prizes was a little blue and white striped felt beanie with the name of our grade school on it. I also remember winning three times the year my parents were in charge of the cake walk, as in three cakes (no, I was not cheating, how do you cheat at musical chairs?), after which I was permanently kicked out of the room.
ell, what goes around comes around and this-coming Saturday night, we are taking my grandsons to my oldest grandson's pre-school carnival. I think I'm as excited as he is. He was so fixated on the orange flyer, trying to figure out everything he was going to do, that he was driving his mom crazy so I am now in possession of the flyer. We'll see who is more tired at the end of the evening, them or us. It should make for some pretty cute video.

OK, I can't delay the working any longer. Until next time.
That's cool that schools STILL do those carnivals. They were a lot of fun.
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