I told you so...

But of course, this is only one of many old wive's tales and other odditie

So then I started thinking about all the other wierd sayings we have heard over the years as we have grown up. There is always the famous (as narrated by a grown Ralphie)..."you'll shoot your eye

There is also the predicament we frequently find outselves in when w

"a day late and a dollar short," or

I'm sure you have also heard, "a stitch in time saves nine." That one's wierd too.
Then there's my personal favorite, "the faster I go, the behinder I get", you've got

Or how about, "your eyes are bigger than your stomach?" That's

Then there's the phrase, "if you build it, they will come?" Is there anyone who doesn't know where they heard that one?

How about "take a powder," as My Little Kitty is doing here?

This blog was brought to you by the idioms of America, and they are many.
it takes one to know one...or something.
Two in the bush beat one in the haystack.
Beggars like to ride horses.
An apple a day is yummy.
If the shoe fits, buy it.
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