Transition Time
The download of my daily (almost) thoughts and ruminations.
Will Shia require continuing Transformers episodes to retain his stardom, that's my question? I know he was in something prior to these movies but I couldn't tell you what. He certainly doesn't have masculine appeal like a Johnny Depp or George Clooney for instance, I'm thinking it's his vulnerability that appeals.
Wind, rain, cool temperatures, how else would you start your summer? If we could simply elevate our entire lives aout 10,000 feet, we could have summer everyday, there's just something about living on the "ground floor" that keeps working against us. Mother Nature heard that our June rainfall was behind our typical record so it dumped gallons yesterday, bring on those backyard barbecues!
What is truly more frustrating; dealing with the elderly person who can't hear, who doesn't feel good and bites your head off more often than not, who can't remember what they have or haven't told you and who can no longer control one or more of their bodily functions, OR, being that person?
When you hear the term force, it's probably physical force that immediately comes to mind, but what about force that's applied to your behavior or your actions due to the absence of any options? That's the direction I feel us moving when it comes to all that is broken in this country.
I'm so behind on things I'm trying to figure out how to dig out. I desperately need something to blame it on and it can't be blogging