When you hear the term force, it's probably physical force that immediately comes to mind, but what about force that's applied to your behavior or your actions due to the absence of any options? That's the direction I feel us moving when it comes to all that is broken in this country.
We couldn't and wouldn't voluntarily stop the greed, lying and cheating practices of those in control on Wall Street, so we are now moving toward a much more regulated environment to ensure the behavior of those at the top remains on an
ethical track.
We couldn't and wouldn't voluntarily make necessary adjustments in the gargantuan US auto industry to address environmental and obvious oil consumption impacts, so we are now going to own those that have survived in the hopes some miracle worker can remove the miles of sand covering the corporate heads who have finally been dethroned.
We couldn't and wouldn't voluntarily deal with the exponential growth of the financial and supply sides of the health care industry while stark gaps between these aspects and the demand and quality sides grew wider and wider. So, the talk is finally heading toward inevitable federal intervention. Are you really surprised?
We couldn't and wouldn't address the blatant abuses in the massive credit industry, so we are now dealing with the other end of the slingshot spectrum where credit has become a highly sought after but rarely granted event.
We couldn't and wouldn't admit to the environmental impact of our modern conveniences and now act surprised at what we've done, and that's only if we are even willing to believe the evidence.
We have spent billions possibly trillions on space travel and study, yet we continue to ignore or disbelieve what that research is telling us about the state of Earth and it's universe, because it doesn't make us feel good.
On one channel you hear about North Korea creating and testing nuclear weapons, on another you hear about the colossal flood that's inevitable as the massive glaciers rapidly melt.
I'm not saying everyone directly caused these problems, I'm saying no one has stepped up to make things right, hence the appearance of force. I'd love to see someone step up who has a better idea, and no, that doesn't include merely griping about the action that is being taken; give us your creative, realistic solutions.

You heard me, come up with a better
informed idea.
All I can say is while riding the crest of the wave to the top the view was phenomenal, now it reminds me of the trip along train tracks through El Salvador hobnobbing with the residents of the decrepit shanties along the way; so how's it making you feel?