Frogs' Legs Aren't Funny

The download of my daily (almost) thoughts and ruminations.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Driving In Wrecks

I was just noticing today how more and more people are not repairing their obviously damaged vehicles. At one point in time on my commute home, I was surrounded by three different cars all of which had sizable dents in their backs, their sides or even their fronts. I've always been bothered even by little door dents, I can't imagine driving around in the wrecks I saw today. And they weren't old cars either.
I am assuming this is simply another sign of the times, people just don't have the discretionary income to repair them, or they can't afford to file a claim with the insurance company, or I don't know what other reason unless maybe they're from Maui. I've never seen so many sad sack cars as I saw there. Rusted out wrecks, many of which were deserted on the side of the road. Considering how much everything costs in that place, I can't imagine just walking away from anything on that island.

Last night John McCain's daughter was on Bill Maher, well technically she wasn't on the show last night, that was just when I saw that episode. He was so careful not to upset her it basically gagged me; she couldn't handle a joke, she was offended most of the time, defensive the rest and she sounded like some "Valley" girl. All she could talk about was how she had taken so much grief for coming on his show, she kept throwing out these hyperbolic statements but could never provide specifics when asked for them. She really ruined the tempo and typical "in your face" discussions you look forward to on his show, everyone on the panel was walking on egg shells except the CNN guy who basically got sick of all the mollycoddling and eventually let her have it; I did enjoy that.

I'm all for listening to another perspective if it's well thought out, based in fact and well stated but not, "Like" "you know" "I really believe" "I don't understand what's so funny"...blech!!!

A demain.


At 9:10 PM, Blogger Robert the Skeptic said...

I saw John McCain's daughter on the "Colbert Report"... she was much better; probably because she didn't know Steve is a "faux" Conservative.

At 9:05 PM, Blogger theWaif said...

I can't stand people like that who can't back up their own statements. You can almost see the smoke come out their ears when they're trying to think. It's painful to watch. So I just don't.


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