Frogs' Legs Aren't Funny

The download of my daily (almost) thoughts and ruminations.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Life Is Just a Chair of Bowlies

The weekend is only part of a day away, the weather is going to get up into the 80's and we'll be at the beach, what could be better?  

Well, okay, the lottery would be good, immediately 
followed by complete and total retirement, immediately 
followed by a National Geographic Expedition to The Galapagos Islands and eventually to Australia & New 
Zealand and finally around the Greek Islands on a small sailing ship, immediately followed by taking my parents on a cruise, immediately followed by taking all my kids on a trip they could actually each agree to, followed by paying off everything including the house, followed by giving something really helpful and substantial to The Women's Shelter I support, followed by TAKING CARE OF GRANDKIDS before they get into school and have better things to do than spend time with Grammie!  

Oh, and I'd finally take Mike to Washington, D. C., and I'd finally go to NYC with someone who actually wanted to go, probably one of the kids or a 
girlfriend.  It's fun to think the world would be my oyster but I have no doubt there would be as many difficulties to deal with as there would be wonderful opportunities.

I can always dream though, can't I, and obviously my dreams immediately expand exponentially once I get started.  However, I maintain imagination is healthy so that means I'm in tip top shape.


At 2:45 PM, Blogger theWaif said...

Hey, at least we got to do that UK trip, I'm soooo glad the 4 of us did that together. Good times. There will be more of its like taken in the future, I'm sure of it.

And yes, that is the adorablest photo.

Lurve your new title bar, btw...

At 9:11 AM, Blogger The Future said...

Me to but for some reason, the top of the frog is cut off on the page though.

At 12:58 PM, Blogger theWaif said...

Actually that was intentional.

At 3:02 PM, Blogger The Future said...

Yea, I just came into it again and realized that. It's perfect, thanks very much.


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