Mouse in my House
Well, okay, maybe it's a shrew but that didn't rhyme. Regardless, it's some kind of filthy, stinking rodent and the cat found it's entrance point, stalked it and eventually captured it.
What is it about cats, I guess it's their cockiness about catching these things that causes them t
o let them go at some point and then the damn thing is running around the basement? Even a shrew with a little pea brain is smart enough to know to fake death to get the chance to make the fast getaway from their erstwhile cat capturer. Now I really want to go down to the basement to work out. I keep finding myself constantly scanning the carpet, looking for scampering, filthy, gray disease-ridden rodents running underneath my weight bench. This is not a pretty picture neither in concept nor in reality.

Mike did some quick caulking where she identified the opening between the house and the door jam but something tells me I may be inviting Pete the Pesticide Guy back again soon to take care of this problem too. If it's not one thing it's twenty more. Ain't life grand?
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