Frogs' Legs Aren't Funny

The download of my daily (almost) thoughts and ruminations.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Hidden Secrets

We are having our kitchen floor replaced with the infamous cork.  
This on the high recommendation of our kids who have had two
such floors now and swear by them.  And as a user of those floors, 
I would have to agree.  

Anyway, it's a tiny kitchen but when they tear out the old floor, I have to wonder what kind of treasures or secret things they'll find under those almost 100 year old floor boards.  I am especially interested in what might be there knowing this house has been remodeled at least 2-3 times before.  

I'm sort of looking at this as my very own archaeological dig, kind of like what I witnessed going on in Jamestown, VA a few years ago.  They were digging down into the earth and every layer of dirt revealed another piece of silverware or broken serving dish or piece of a toy.  It was almost like every 100 years a new layer of dirt built up on the ground similar to the rings in a tree I guess.  It is strange though to think of artifacts that are only 100 years old.  It seems like those should still just qualify as your family's stuff.

Anyway, we'll see if we find a treasure or just a bunch of dust and bugs.  There won't be any ants though because those are being eliminated this week.  Yay!  I hate ants, they make me feel dirty.  I hate spiders too but at least they don't make me feel dirty.  I know this has nothing to do with anything else, too bad.


At 10:09 PM, Blogger kara said...

you find any inuit skeletons under the floor?

At 2:26 PM, Blogger The Future said...

I own't know until Tuesday. Maybe I'll find shark skeletons from when this was all under the sea!


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