Frogs' Legs Aren't Funny

The download of my daily (almost) thoughts and ruminations.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Through the Baby Monitor

Does it ever occur to you that you have very few opportunities for true privacy anymore?  What with cell phones and iPhones that can reach you most anywhere, computers that can reach you in even more places, to baby monitors that enable you to watch and listen to your baby/toddler sleep to television that can bring you all the news that's fit to "print" from everywhere in the world, news like the recent oil and deadly chemical spills in Australia to China's leadership's concerns about the American economy to the few remaining uncivilized tribes left in the Amazon or New Guinea.  Not even the almost extinct snow leopard who lives in the Himalayas of Tibet has privacy anymore, it has been captured in the Blue Planet DVD set after months and months of photographers sitting and waiting with cameras posted throughout the suspected territory.  

We live in an amazing time and I think we're easily spoiled with the overload of information at our fingertips.  I can remember when I was young and had a rock and roll trivia type question I wanted answered, I would call the radio station, or one of a more scientific nature I would call the reference librarian at the local library (our encyclopedia set was very old - I think my parents bought it the first year before I was born, in 1950, the year they were married).  

I was listening to a group of techies talking at lunch on Friday when they were talking about the tenuous nature of the Web, how it's been constructed without any structure 
per se and everything that's done to add to it threatens to weaken or collapse that structure.  In eavesdropping on their conversation, it occurred to me that we have collectively build a net-based house of cards.  The question is,
 when will the last card be the last straw?

It's an interesting, dreary, gray day and I'm obviously in a reflective mood.  However, baby boy will be awake any minute so I'd better wrap this up.  Thus capping another day of journaling my meandering thoughts.  I do love this limitless (or maybe not) net diary.  


At 4:57 PM, Blogger kara said...

the word wrap looks the same to me, mum.

you can back up your blog by hiring a monk to copy it all down in a big leatherbound book.


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