Free To Be Me
I am so frequently reminded of my status as an "early Baby B

I also learned today that the reason my kids (Gen X'ers) are both the way they are is because

they were repeatedly lied to as they were growing up. Not just by

me although apparently getting divorced was lying, but by the government (politicians), by schools, by the corporate world; so that apparently excuses their behavior and attitudes. The rest of us just need to deal.
I also learned today that by 2010 1 in 4 people in the U.S. will be Hispanic. And in 2016, 30% of the world economic demographic will be Hindi or Mandarin Chinese.
I think this is further proof it's time for me to retire by 2016 because I am too old and tired to try to figure out how to deal with all these dynamics. I didn't even mention the Millenials or the brand new, 3-year-old Generation Z. It's all so much psychobabble for me I'm afraid. It's easier to just roll with the flow.
why did you lie to us so much while we were growing up? our poor generation.
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