Today's the Day
After 9 months of practice, I'm finally playing "Stardust" for my mom for her October birthday. This whole thing got delayed when she had a stroke in Octob

It will be nice to play it for the last time. Do I play it perfectly you ask? Far from it. I am convinced I will not have a second career as a concert pianist. I become fumble fingered the minute I think someone else can hear me playi

That, of course, is on top of the fact I still make mistakes playing pieces for my se
lf. I have never been a perfectionist in anything, detail drives me crazy. Maybe there's a little ADD in my make-up. It's difficult for me to sit still, I need to keep moving around. I hate sitting and listening to something for a long period of time. I can't even sit for an extended period of time reading a great book.
I don't remember being this way in the past but it's definitely where I

am today. Who knows, maybe it will help to keep me from becoming a giant balloon of a person in retirement.
That seems to be a daily challenge anymore. It's strange, it's almost like my body isn't mine anymore, it doesn't react the same and doesn't act the same. Maybe leprechauns changed it out one night when I was sleeping for one of my half hours or so of sleep. People steal kidneys and other body parts, you never know, it could be possible. Interesting movie possibilities...
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