I Knew I Shouldn't Have Had the Chai Tea

OK, I'm getting a little more familiar with Facebook, enough so that I'm probably irritating everyone I'm writing to. I figure it's just a carryover from my grade school days when I was constantly in trouble for talking. I see this as just another form of talking too much, continuing to write far beyond when anyone cares to hear what I have to say. I'm sure I had at least one teacher who said I had diarrhea of the mouth and in these 50 long years I obviously haven't found the cure (I haven't
looked very hard either).

Jon Stewart is such a master at interviewing. I have the utmost respect for the fact that he can sit across from someone he totally disagrees with and
have a lively conversation and still not piss the guest off. Not only that, they'll come back for more in a few months. Tonight it was Sununu (okay it was really last night but I do better at watching the earlier scheduled
reruns) who to my way of thinking was just another Republican banging the party drum saying everything the Democrats were doing was wrong because it was being done by the Democrats. I really wonder if Obama is ever going to be successful in achieving anything bipartisan because they have a definite agenda and they're holding tight.

Somehow, I'm quite sure McCain has everything to do with this.
But if these Reds are so convinced the Blues are wrong about everything, where's their brilliant, better idea? I haven't heard a single viable alternative from these jokers, all they can do is pick apart what has been offered up and ensure the country will continue to be crippled by their childish behavior. I don't truly believe that any of them really care about their constituents, because their constituents are without jobs, without homes, without money and without time while they are back in Washington preening their feathers and shooting off their mouths with their empty-headed, pointless thoughts.

Another plane crash, you know if this keeps happening, it will make it harder and harder for people (like me) to get back on a plane. You start to feel like you're playing Russian Roulette, wondering when it's your turn. Creepy.
Well, I think I'll see if I can finish up my Madeline Albright "Memo to the President". I hope he read it and keeps it around for reference. I would certainly want her in my corner if I were him.
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