That was no poem, it wasn't even a complete thought. I would have been embarr

assed for her but it was her own fault. One of the ministers did a better job of rhyming than she did. I especially liked the, ..."people that are yellow, are mellow" line. If she had simply had to write the poem for someone else to deliver that would have been one thing but she had to attach her face and reputation to it, pretty stupid and pointless. I don't know about you but I don't think she'll be asked back. The only people I can think of who would have liked it would have been the editors of the New Yorker, I never have understood their content. That means it should be right up their alley.
I need to accept the fact that Michele Obama will be wearing Crayola crayons that rarely come out o

f the box of 64. What was the last time your yellow-green saw the light of day? Those are usually the crayons that remain in pristine shape because they're never touched since they are unnatural colors so kids don't readily use them to complete a coloring book picture or create their own. Does anyone know of any yellow-green colored flowers?
What I do love about her is that she is giving some young, unknown designers a boost in their careers. She will probably be compared to Jackie O throughout her First Ladyship but only the Boomers will even know who the pundits are talking about. I also love the fact that she doesn't care what we think, she dresses based on what pleases her. And she wears her clothes, with confidence and an innate sense of style, hence the comparison to 45 years ago. You go, Girl!
I hav

e a feeling she's probably a strict but very loving and caring mom. I'll bet Malia and Sasha get their homework done and no excuses are tolerated. I'll also bet they

tend to tell the truth. They just strike me as that kind of family where those values are inherent and they literally emanate from them.
Tonight Jon Stewart was taking clips of what Obama said in his inaugural speech and snippets of Bush speeches over the years, trying to say he was saying all the same things Bush had said. This, of course, is heresy.

His reporter compared it to cheese melted over Mexican food vs. the same cheese melted over Chinese food. It either works or it doesn't and NO ONE likes cheese melted over Chinese food. The difference being, now the words work. As my mother-in-law said, "Hail to the Chief" (and his lovely, cool family too)!
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