Where Did It All Go?
I'm with Brendan, this is a great article about the downfall of Wall Street, the financial services industry and the economy in general. It especially emphasizes how the reporters, the financial experts and the public in general were seeing all the signs for years and simply refused to believe what was happening before their very eyes. Anyway, here is the link: http://www.portfolio.com/news-markets/national-news/portfolio/2008/11/11/

If nothing else, he'll make Portuguese Water Dogs gain popularity. I'll admit I didn't know what they looked like so thought I would educate myself and the rest of you with this Google image. So the black and w

We just got back from a few days in Las Vegas yesterday. There is no place like it even for those of us who are down there technically visiting family. You can never escape the slot machines, the booze, the smoke, the glitziness, the flaunting of money, the high end cars, the seemingly endless availability of pretty much whatever you want. I have to say, it's good to have family there because it's a place where you need to keep yourself grounded. You need to stay focused on real life people and stuff, not all the shams you see. It's all about convincing everyone who flies in they will be rich when they leave then making it extremely easy for them to invest much more than they can afford to prove it...wrong.

We witnessed three, important birthdays while we were there, definitely a first for us so I felt it was a rewarding trip, minus any winnings of course.
so you think that picking the wrong puppy will bring down the white house? well, you're probably right. puppies run the world.
glad you're back.
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