Frogs' Legs Aren't Funny

The download of my daily (almost) thoughts and ruminations.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Intelligent Choices = A Wise White House

I don't know how to act, I don't know what to think, I don't know how to feel? We have president, well almost, who is making wise and thoughtful decisions about his cabinet and his other appointees. I hear some people making comments about the similarities to the Clinton administration but all that means is he's choosing some individuals who had the most recent experience during a successful administration. Isn't that where we want to go back to? Uh-huh, I thought so. So no more complaining about that.

And doesn't he look grand in the Oval Office? From Hicksville to Sophisticatedville, bad grammar but a much more comforting concept.

You've also probably noticed the diversity amongst the group. White males absolutely do not dominate the array of talent. In just over a month we'll be able to see them all in action. The real test will be whether they perform as a team or whether we have a few renegade control freaks who feel compelled to run off and do their own thing. It will be very interesting to see how he manages that much high caliber talent.

I also think it's interesting how many of these individuals were plucked directly from Madeline Albright's think tank, or a better term would be international consulting firm. Of course, I can't think of a better leader to emulate myself. She is remarkable and that's understated.

Do you know she defended her doctorate thesis the same day her husband told her he was leaving her for another woman? She still had two daughters at home to raise. If you read her book, "Madame Secretary" I'm not telling you anything new. If you haven't read it, you need to.

And now I understand Caroline Kennedy is interested in the N.Y. senate seat being vacated by Hillary Clinton. I really like that idea and would like to see how she handles it. She seems like a very strong woman and certainly has excellent contacts and clout to make her successful.

Things are shaping up in a very interesting way. Isn't it nice to feel hopeful and optimistic for a change? I see people smiling again, myself included.


At 7:52 PM, Blogger kara said...

AND he's hot.

I'm kind of excited about the prospect of Caroline Kennedy.


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