Frogs' Legs Aren't Funny

The download of my daily (almost) thoughts and ruminations.

Sunday, November 16, 2008


Some things in life are simply timeless. I'm thinking about composers like Gershwin, playwrights like Shakespeare, authors like Austen, sports like baseball, movies like Wizard of Oz, holidays like Christmas, amusement parks like Disneyland, food like mac and cheese or tomato soup/toasted cheese sandwiches, sports cars like the 450SL Mercedes, tuxedos, ball gowns or cocktail dresses, classy boots, diamonds; you catch my drift. It doesn't matter how old you are, what your background is or what your tastes, these are all things that appeal, even if it's just to appreciate from afar.

In this time of serious cutting back and crossing your fingers you won't be directly and adversely impacted by this debacle we call our economy, all of these special things take on an even more appealing ring.

It probably seems very odd to include tuxedos and a 450SL Mercedes in the same sentence with tomato soup but I think it simply shows what a broad palate I have and share with so many others. It's nice to dress up once in awhile but it's mostly nice to dress down.

One area I'm especially concerned about is the Arts. If you are having trouble paying your mortgage or you lose your job or any other kind of dire financial impact, participating in the Arts will likely be one of the first areas of sacrifice. But you know what they say, "music is one thing that separates man from beast". Or they say something like that anyway. It would be criminal to see our symphonies or art museums have to close due to this colossal mess but I do know anything is possible at this point. I thank my lucky stars I wasn't trying to retire this year or any time very soon. That would have been a disaster. I very well there are many, many Baby Boomers in exactly the same boat. I'm guessing this will mean that in 3-5 years, when the economy has recovered, you will see a mass exodus from the workforce. That will be the time to have any type of technical or specialized training because those of you in Gen X, Y or Millennium will be able to name your price.

I would imagine baby boy (I'm going to have to come up with a new name for baby boy number II after April) is going to be waking up any time now so I'd better close. He and his family are expecting to move into their newly remodeled house next weekend so that's going to be a busy one for sure but a huge reason for celebration. They have put in an unbelievable amount of this work themselves and it is really gorgeous. Not only that, it will provide them with a lifetime of additional projects. No end of work for them from now on, including the elimination of the cement in-ground pool structure some time in the future. I don't think I'll be raising my hand to help with that one.


At 8:53 PM, Blogger kara said...

i know this won't mean much to you, but i had a very similar thought about a song by the Pixies...about it being timeless when so much new music isn't. i don't know, i may still blog about it.


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