We have

now officially attacked Syrian soil. OK, let me rephrase that. The U.S. has now conducted this attack, I do not want to be directly implicated in this ludicrous behavior as I would be by using the pronoun of "we". How many other nations are we going to piss off before we get this blankety-

blank idiot out of office? It's almost like he's trying to see how far we can push the rest of the world until they finally react in the most negative of ways I might add. Either that, or he's clueless (which goes without saying), and his generals and cabinet feel so empowered they can virtually ignore good, common sense and do whatever they damn well please, screw the consequences.
Unbelievable; and we, the American people, just sit by and keep letting this crap happen repeatedly.
With my

mom's situation and work about as tense as it can be, I don't feel like I even ha

ve time to keep up on day-to-day events yet I also feel like I can't afford not to. I'm so worried about what kind of a world we are leaving to the generation of babies born recently or to be born soon. I know generation after generation has said exactly the same thing and everything has gone just fine, sort of, but the severity of the results of our actions is much worse than it's ever been (except perhaps in WWII) so it bears pondering.

s is not the kind of positive note I want or need to start out my week. I think I'll go soak in a very hot tub and try to steam this funk out of me.
bush is bored, he's just looking for ways to kill time in the office.
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