Tonight wa

s the first big debate night. I can't say I've ever been as interested in a debate as I am this one. The question is, can anyone ever win? I do love the way Barack constantly brings McCain back to the point and the facts. He is smooth, oh so smooth. It's quite a combination to be passionate and smooth all at the same time.
And another thing, exactly how do you spell Barak Obama's first name? If you go onto Google, it's spelled both ways and they can't both be right. Not sure how to figure that one out. OK, I just saw that the book he wrote spells it Barack so I'm going to trust that's correct.
As I've said before, why do either of these two want the presidency. Bush has reduced it to

such a pile of rubble, it can't be even remotely attractive. They must have a hankerin' for a challenge, that's all I've got to say. And I can't think of a bigger one.
I am so concerned about the fact that the race is still this close. It's feeling very much like Gore and Kerry all over again. A third disappointment would send many people into a tailspin from which I'm not sure they would recover. Can the Democrats not come through just once? Is eight years of this maniac and his trigger-happy sidekick not enough? Is the country not in quite enough of a shambles yet?
I wond

er if people think the problems are pretty much over now? Even if this bailout occurs, which is of course a bailout in name only, we get left footing the horrendous bill. If we think we can't afford our credit card payments now, no one c

an imagine what the payments on this one are going to be like. I'm seeing alot of flailing going on and this dictator type Treasury Secretary terrifies me. "Just give me all your money and watch me do what I want with it." He is the ultimate sleaze. I wouldn't trust him with my savings account. These guys are in so far over their heads they can no longer see sunlight. And the fact of the matter is, we still don't know what we don't know.
Anyway, this is when I'm glad I work for a not-for-profit. At this point, we've been only somewhat touched by the down economy but nothing like the headlines you're reading everyday. I at least feel like our situation is far.
Stay tuned.
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