It's h

ard to fathom Hurricane Ike's winds blowing through the Gulf coast at over 110 miles per hour when I look outside and see a sunny, 80 degree day. Especially knowing it's right on the heels of Gustav. In fact, some still don't have their power back from the Gustav storm. It makes me feel spoiled. But only for a minute considering how little of this we've had this year.
The irony is I'm actually watching The Weather Channel to see what's

happening instead of a true news channel. Of course that means I'm turning into my father. Oh well, I guess it's inevitable.
Postscript: I just

talked to my father and he's watching Deal or No Deal. The way I figure it, that means I'm more my father than he is. I'm not thinking about that one anymore.
The lights just went out in Galveston. H. Ike has a 60 mile-wide eye and is a 600 mile-wide storm system. These nutty news people who are standing out in this stuff to broadcast are absolutely goofball. They are obviously trying for some Pulitzer or something, there just isn't a good reason for anyone to endanger their lives to stand out in this stuff. I mean the

wind, rain and surf keeps knocking out their power for their telecast so the point would be?
There go the transformers. But do they go in? Oh no! Oh, and now they have tornadoes all over the place. In fact, they said the tornadoes actually run along the wall of the eye. Yea, I think I'm going to look for a job on the Gulf next week...NOT!
This was my first week on a new 8-week fitness/nutrition pilot program at work. The nutrition is the trickiest part because you can only eat amounts and combinations of things they have identified

as the perfect combination but my thighs are causing me the greatest pain. I really hope they settle down before I have to do my leg stuff again next Wednesday. Although I'm sure my shoulders and elbows (tonight's exercises) are going to hurt the next couple of days but my legs are so bad I have to go down the stairs like a toy soldier with the stiff legged march. Tomorrow I've got to try to walk it out in my 30 minutes of fast cardio. (Jamie and Meagan are the owners and walking models of success, by the way.)
It's very clear to me now why I waited 57 years to do serious weight HURTS!
what week are you on now?
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